

Hi - After working for a children's charity and taking a Welsh Government funded course which I refused to complete, I've been fighting against Welsh Government child policies for the last 5 years in relation to Play. The long and the short of it is that if you were a person with a mnd to cause harm to children you could legally kill or maim a child in Wales through the medium of play and show Welsh Governmnet documentation to show just cause. I've taken the time to understand the subject of play and to record information in relation to Welsh Government children's play policies and statutory guidance. The problem with play is that you have a subversive charity, Play Wales defining policies without accountability. As in the sex education the whole process stinks and is aimed to disadvantage working class children. My reason for contact is not to ask you to take this on, but to offer my support to your campaign because I've seen how education and play are linked, I'd already identified the sexual indoctrination of children through the school curriculum while my grandchildren were staying with us during lockdown, I have 4 children and 4 grandchildren, 2 of whom live in Caerau, Maesteg. I have built a website that gives a summary of this. I have also amassed a lot of information in relation to play that crosses over into your area that I would suggest may be useful to you. My skills are mainly in understanding competitive strategies and the organisation of information.

I have already submitted a paper and taken a petition to the Welsh Government in relation to play, Lockdown and other reasons prevented me from gaining the required numbers. I've only briefly looked at your campaign so I don't know if you've gone down this route. I also discovered that I'm living next to a toxic wastre dump on which they are trying to build houses so am fighting Neath Port Talbot Council in that respect and have learned a great deal about government corruption there as well. That is the reason I've parked the play complaint, I've prioritised living next to toxic waste dump,

This is the website I've built in relation to the play issue.


you'll find more about me here.


regards - Dai Richards -


0797 457 4167
01639 729000



ACTION AVENUES - 20230224A-EM-DRIC-PCPW-initial-contact



PROCESS PLAN - 20230224A-EM-DRIC-PCPW-initial-contact






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INFORMATION LINKS - 20230224A-EM-DRIC-PCPW-initial-contact
