

On the 30 June 2022 I rode to Neath and delivered a number of documents and correspondence and information to the Chief Financial Officer at NPTCBC refusing to pay my council tax.



Dear Chief Finance Officer at NPTC

This communication is submitted to you in line with the following council value:

"We will be open to challenge and will promote a culture of learning and innovation throughout our organisation." 

We submit it because the council has failed to uphold the following NPTC values in relation to my family and the families of the residents group I belong to:

"We will stand up for our citizens and our communities, advocating for the needs and aspirations of our people in every aspect of our work." 

"We will listen to our citizens, our workforce and our many partners and seek ways to meaningfully involve people in our work."

"We will celebrate diversity in all of its forms and work tirelessly for greater equality in all of our communities." 

"We will conduct the work of the Council in an open and accessible way, ensuring we are properly accountable for the decisions we make."


Please find enclosed a copy of my initial refusal to pay Council Tax in 2020 and a follow up email that identifies the failure of the council to observe its purpose. This is still the case, your council refuses to answer relevant questions, fails to provide relevant information and does not follow planning protocol in relation to toxic waste found nearby. The council planning officials, Nicola Lake, Steve Ball and Ceri Morris along with the Glynneath Councillors Simon Knoyle, Del Morgan and the chair of the relevant scrutiny committee Councillor Stephen K Hunt have deliberately undertaken actions which have and still continue to endanger the lives of residents in Glynneath. 

I refer in particular to the planning approval for P2020/0863 which allows a spoil heap containing toxic waste to be moved closer to the houses in my street. This planning approval shows a basic regard for human life. Its only purpose was to remove the safety requirement for the chemical testing of land that already had eyewitness reports of toxic waste being dumped on it. A document that showed the land actually contained toxic waste was available for consideration but was ignored by the planning department who approved the planning application without going through the committee. 

Quite simply your council are happy to place Glynneath residents in danger to cover up historical malpractice by your planning department working in conjunction with unscrupulous developers. They are aware they are breaking laws and regulations, they are aware the land in contaminated with carcinogens, mutagens and neurotoxins, they are aware that people have already died most likely from contamination and therefore as far as I am concerned this is attempted murder and I will not pay for my family and the residents in my group to be murdered. 

I am in the process of compiling a research report paper based upon the above information in relation to P2020/0863 but in the mean time, I enclose 3 research report papers which have previously been submitted to both the NPTC and Glynneath Town Council's for consideration. These reports have not been considered by either council and as such I believe this to be a failure in the duty of care to my family and other families whose lives are linked to the information contained in the documents. Your council is clearly unfit for purpose and I will not pay to support incompetence, malpractice and corruption amongst the employees and elected officials of the council. 

I'm sure you are aware that this contravenes the 'purpose of the council which is 

Neath Port Talbot Council exists to serve and represent the interests of its citizens and communities. We strive to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of all of our people. 

I cannot in good conscience pay money to an organisation that endangers the lives of my family and residents in my street whom I have sworn to support. 

Neither can I pay to support child abuse as directed by the Welsh Government that breaches the United Nations Children's Charter and may potentially affect my grandchildren and other children in Wales. 

With reference to your role in the process of collecting council tax from me, I refer to the council's monitoring officer, Craig Griffiths. This public officer can be shown to be having made inappropriate actions that fail to observe the purpose of the council in order to cover up the breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act as outlined in in the "Council of Death" document. He is not to be trusted to act with integrity in relation to the information I am providing you with. I would suggest that in line with council protocol you provide this letter and its contents to him. Firstly however, the documents I am providing to you identify potential Corporate Manslaughter and child abuse that is linked to your council and so you should follow national government guidelines and the "The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (as amended 2013)" which is highlighted in the council  'whistleblowing' policy. 

You should copy and provide this information to the relevant Welsh government regulators on the basis that the information I am providing you with, and the information which I will eventually make public in the future that relates to the council, is covered by all the points a, b, c, d, e, & f of this act. I will of course retain confirmation of the delivery of this letter and will also make this information public.

If, as per your protocol you summons me to the courts and then instruct bailiffs to act on behalf of the council to recover what you believe to be an outstanding debt, you will be considered to be and shown to be supporting the endangerment of Glynneath residents lives (Corporate Manslaughter) and the abuse of Welsh children contrary to the United Nations Children's Charter. Eventually, my team and/or the relevant authorities will make sure that you personally will be made accountable publicly and legally for your actions.

Finally, I would consider entering into negotiation with regard to the non payment of my council tax, should the council consider upholding the purpose and values of the authority in relation to the points covered in this letter and the enclosed documents that have been previously submitted to the council.. 

I trust this communication finds you in good health.

regards - David Richards, (Director) Rugby Relics Ltd 

on behalf of the East Glynneath Residents Against Contamination group and the abused children of Wales.


DOCUMENT NAME: COUNCIL OF DEATH? (Draft document) published by Rugby Relics Ltd

DOCUMENT SUMMARY: This document provides evidence of NPTC Planning Department historical malpractice. It names council employees Steve Ball, Ceri Morris and Nicola Pearce along with Councillors Rob Jones, Del Morgan and Simon Knoyle as deliberately covering up this malpractice.

DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO: Planning Committee and the Glynneath NPTC Councilllors Del Morgan & Simon Knoyle on 7 September 2020. The document was also submitted to Glynneath Town Council in October 2020 and made public by us on-line in October 2020. 

PROOF OF DELIVERY: recorded delivery, also the document was mentioned but not discussed in the planning committee meeting of 8/9/2020. An email reply was received confirming receipt of the document from the Town Clerk at the Glynneath Town Council. 

ANTICIPATED RESPONSE: We expected the information within the document to be checked and validated by NPTC and an investigation to take place into why the public officials mentioned in the document previous to its publication failed to support the residents surrounding the Heol y Glyn landfill site in line with the council's purpose. We expected the local councillors to undertake due diligence with regard to the historical malpractice which failed to safeguard Glynneath residents.

ACTUAL RESPONSE: The contents of the document were ignored and the three councillors mentioned issued a statement on social media in their role as councillors discrediting the document. They refused to back up their statements with documentary evidence to counter its findings. There has been no counter evidence received from NPTC or GTC to dispute the document's findings since the council first received it on 7 September 2020.


DOCUMENT SUMMARY: Following the submission of the Council of Death document, within 3 months a second resident in our street died of an extremely rare neurodegenerative disorder in the houses closest to the site. Research into the disorder identified that the only other known case of a cluster was almost certainly related to ground contamination.

DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO: Glynneath Town Councillors Haulwen Morgan & Gerry Reynolds on 1 May 2021 and NPTC Councillors Del Morgan & Simon Knoyle on 19/7/21. 

PROOF OF DELIVERY: Video footage of the 4 documents being posted at their home address.

ANTICIPATED RESPONSE: We expected the Glynneath Town Councillors to pass the document on to the Glynneath Town Council. For the Glynneath Town Council to discuss the document in a full council meeting. For the Glynneath Town Council to approach NPTC with a view to ascertaining how they could inform the relevant national government authorities to request an investigation into the cause of death of the residents living closest the site.

ACTUAL RESPONSE: The Glynneath Town Councillors disposed of the documents and failed to provide them to the Glynneath Town Council. Only the covering letter to one of the councillors was discussed by the Glynneath Town Council. Simon Knoyle was at the time, the Mayor and Chair of Glynneath Town Council (Glynneath Town Council FOI attached as evidence). 

Of the two reports posted to Councillors Knoyle and Morgan on 19/7/21, no reply has been received. However, we are aware that Councillor Knoyle has undertaken an investigation into the document contents which to date he has not made public. This would suggest that his investigation validates our conclusion that:

“Residents of Brynhyfryd are dying from the rare neurological disorder Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. These deaths are almost certainly due to specified and other probable unspecified contamination tipped at the Heol y Glyn landfill site. Public officers who have covered up this contamination are potentially responsible for the unlawful killing of these residents.”

There has been no counter evidence received from NPTC or GTC to dispute the document's findings.



DOCUMENT SUMMARY: The document contains evidence of subversive educational material funded by the Welsh Government taught on courses open to the public that are also funded by the Welsh Government. The course instructs play instructors and child care workers to place children in danger during play situations, this is based upon a misrepresented scientific research paper and testimonies from scientific professionals with links to paper author are included. The document was submitted to the CYPE committee who failed to follow protocol and discuss the paper in public or in a private closed documented session. 

ORIGINAL INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO COUNCILLOR SIMON KNOYLE ON 11 July 2019 with the request that he does not contact Welsh Government but keep this paper in house because his responsibilities in the first instance is with the children of Glynneath and Neath-Port Talbot. (see email copy). 

DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO: Councillor Simon Knoyle on 2/2/2020

PROOF OF DELIVERY: Email response from Cllr Knoyle on 9/3/2020

NPTC ANTICIPATED RESPONSE: That the Neath-Port Talbot Council question the Welsh Government on the published 'play curriculum' that encourages workers within the play industry to place Welsh children, including those living in Neath-Port Talbot in life threatening danger. That the Neath-Port Talbot Council advocate for the children of Neath-Port Talbot and not blindly follow Welsh Government instructions without questioning and establishing the reasoning behind subversive educational material. We would expect the Neath-Port Talbot Council to take responsibility for checking this information to safeguard the lives of the children of Neath-Port Talbot.

ACTUAL RESPONSE: Councillor Knoyle failed to provide any information after our initial meeting in July 2019. There is no evidence that Councillor Knoyle passed on this information to the relevant department at NPTC. I eventually received a response from Cllr Knoyle in March 2020 which suggested that the council would not encourage 'deep play' as identified in the paper but they would follow Welsh Government instructions with regards to their play policies.

Councillor Knoyle also provided evidence contained within NPTC literature in an email from the NPTC play team Karen Jones & Christopher D Mills that they (NPTC play team) were collecting information on the location of every children's play facility both supervised and unsupervised in Neath-Port Talbot which they were going to potentially supply to a secretive, subversive, unregulated charity with links to a convicted paedophile. They were going to do this, even though they had received a paper identifying that educational material being taught to playworkers by the same charity encouraged playworkers to place children in life threatening danger as an essential part of the play curriculum.

NOTES: The instruction I received on a Welsh Government funded play education course was clearly abusive to children and included videos of children chasing each other with burning objects, children fighting with and over who was to use a hammer and other questionable play actions. The literature provided was equally lacking in care for children, it used methods of deception to provide reasons why 'risky' play should be offered and provided an example of further reading, the publication containing 'deep play' which clearly breached the United Nations Children's Charter to which the Welsh Government are signatories. This was the basic level course. I live in Neath-Port Talbot and I am considering setting up my own play facility within Neath-Port Talbot. Technically I could through the play education process legally kill a child by offering them a form of 'deep play' that was a touch beyond their capabilities. I have provided NPTC evidence of this and they have failed to undertake due diligence in relation to the information which they have been supplied. The information taught on a playworker course is clearly morally and legally wrong and organisations that suggest such illogical activities should be questioned to find out the real purpose of their instructional educational material. The publication containing a play work curriculum that includes 'deep play' can still be bought from a Welsh Government funded organisation today. 

The Welsh Government are funding and supporting child abuse and I will not pay organisations such as the Neath-Port Talbot Council and Glynneath Town Council that clearly support this abuse. 

DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO: Glynneath Town Council on 28/2/2021 by email with a request to discuss the document in public.

ACTUAL RESPONSE: The Glynneath Town Council discussed the paper but took it into closed session quoting the reason for this as......  

"a particular policy which is of....  has been deemed of a confidential nature by the state so its not a policy we can publish" -  YouTube link - https://youtu.be/h8DfW92IYsQ  . This information was provided by the clerk when prompted by Councillor Knoyle. 

It would seem here that the Glynneath Town Council are working with the Welsh Government to hide subversive educational material from the public of Glynneath. if we refer to the initial correspondence with Cllr Knoyle.

"... your responsibility in this instance is to the children of Glynneath and Neath-Port Talbot and not the Welsh Assembly Government"



This information is additional to that supplied and is for information purposes only. I will not make it public unless it becomes relevant at some stage in the future. I would suggest that the council consider the information supplied below and consider how it may affect the children of Neath-Port Talbot.

In 2019 I provided the council with information that identified child abuse in Play Education material written by Play Wales. The purpose of this abuse I would suggest is to create vulnerable children through physical impairment and mental trauma. 

This information is from the Wikipedia page of the former Welsh Assembly Minister Simon George Thomas. 

"On 18 September he was charged by Dyfed-Powys Police with three counts of making indecent images of children. 
He pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent images at Aberystwyth Magistrates' Court on 3 October 2018, having made over 600 such images and videos. On 31 October 2018 he was given a 26-week jail sentence, suspended for two years by Mold Magistrates Courts and ordered to remain on the sex offenders register for seven years."

The 2016 NPT Play Strategy follows the same principles as the subversive play education material supplied to NPTC in 2019, those principles are intended to create vulnerable children. 

Neath-Port Talbot Council have been aware since 2019 that the Welsh Government are funding educational material that is in effect instructions for the play workforce to abuse children and have done nothing apart from cover this up. 

The 2019-2022 NPT Play Sufficiency document provides the location of every play facility supervised and unsupervised in the county borough with additional information such as children's ages catered for etc. If this is submitted to Play Wales and/or the Welsh Government itself then it is submitted to an organisation with a history of paedophiles and subversion. 

Please consider that Jimmy Savile abused children for 46 years in state run facilities before he was posthumously brought to justice. He did so because people were frightened to speak up, they refused to take responsibility for their role in the protection of children. Nobody in government listened until it was too late. 

This is not a report of child abuse, I have already reported child abuse to you. It is an opportunity for the council to identify that they need to reconsider the information they have already received. The council should consider that Simon George Thomas would most likely have had connections in his role as a child abuser within the Welsh Government that are still in place today. Some of those connections may belong in an organisation that masquerades as a charity teaching subversive methods of play.



20220630A-LE-RICD-NPTC-co-tax-refusal1 - letter to CFO

20200408A-EM-RICD-cancel-co-tax - cancel direct debits

20200507A-EM-RICD-NPTC-co-tax - info to CFO failure to observe purpose

20220630A-LE-RICD-NPTC-co-tax-refusal2 - front sheet CoD document


Pledge of death image

01.jpg (481883 bytes)

20220630A-LE-RICD-NPTC-co-tax-refusal3 -  front sheet PSP document

PSP PAPER document

+ GTCO FOI letter for destruction of documents (yc/67 image page 1  - yc/66 page 2)

20220630A-LE-RICD-NPTC-co-tax-refusal4 -  front sheet - deep play document


20190712A-EM-RICD-knoyle-post-meet  + Knoyle email chain to NPTC reply

20220630A-LE-RICD-NPTC-co-tax-refusal5 - additional paedo info


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