June update for the enz-NO development
Due to the corona virus pandemic, the only way to object at present
is by sending an email direct to planning@npt.gov.uk
You will need to include the following information |
Neath Port Talbot Council have
updated their website with amended plans and a habitat survey.
COUNCIL PLANNING LETTER TO RESIDENTS The plans still show the streams to be culverted however the habitat survey more importantly has identified the stream running behind Brynhyfryd and Woodland Park as a "Site of Importance for Nature Conservation". It recommends that the stream remain open and not culverted. The habitat survey says: "The stream is a SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation) and considered to provide habitat for a range of species. It is therefore recommended that it is retained in its current state (i.e. open, and not culverted), and protected from effects of development during construction and operational phase. A drainage plan will inform appropriate protection of the stream and any ditches/associated features beyond the site. A minimum 7m vegetated buffer is required to protect the watercourse for Otter and Water Vole." The only other difference I can see that the three houses in the south east corner have been moved slightly but still remain to be built on the flood plain. I've uploaded all the new files recently uploaded by the council below with a short explanation of each one.
5.3.1 - The stream is a SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation) and considered to provide habitat for a range of species. It is therefore recommended that it is retained in its current state (i.e. open, and not culverted), and protected from effects of development during construction and operational phase. A drainage plan will inform appropriate protection of the stream and any ditches/associated features beyond the site. A minimum 7m vegetated buffer is required to protect the watercourse for Otter and Water Vole. 5.10.2 Planning authorities must seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity in the exercise of their functions. This means development should not cause any significant loss of habitats or populations of species, locally or nationally and must provide a net benefit for biodiversity. CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS INFORMATION
Shows the height of the land at each house and the boundary
Close up of flood plain corner. They have moved the three houses
away a touch but they are still building on the flood plain.
Shows the culverted streams and drainage system
PLANS WITHOUT DRAINAGE | The same plans as above without drainage |
Due to the corona virus pandemic, the only way to object at present
is by sending an email direct to planning@npt.gov.uk |
Due to the corona virus pandemic, the only way to object at present
is by sending an email direct to planning@npt.gov.uk
You will need to include the following information
REASONS YOU CAN USE - PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COPY AND PASTE THESE NOTES INTO YOUR OBJECTION I would like to object to the culverting of the stream as proposed in the site plans based upon the following observations and evidence provided by the "Ecological Appraisal Report" FLOODING - Culverting the stream will increase the run of off surface water from the site to lower parts of Brynhyfryd and Woodland Park. The stream runs the complete length of Brynhyfryd and captures 100% surface water run off from the current land area of the site. If the stream is culverted then any water bypassing the on-site drainage will increase the flooding that is currently taking place in the lower parts of Brynhyfryd and Woodland Park during periods of heavy rain, storm periods and torrential downpours. It is impossible for the on-site drainage system to capture all rainfall and removing the stream will increase significantly flooding to the lower parts of Brynhyfryd and Woodland Park. PRIVACY - Culverting the stream will bring the development houses back to back with the Brynhyfryd houses and there will be a loss of privacy to the property with in many cases the new houses overlooking the residents of Brynhyfryd. CONTAMINATION - Culverting the stream will increase the danger of the carcinogens in the contaminated land and other toxic waste illegally dumped on the land affecting the health of residents. This resident would like to see a professional resident led testing of the tipped material on the site. CONSERVATION - Together will the above reasons, this resident is in agreement with the following recommendations of the "Ecological Appraisal Report:" and would like to highlight the fact that the stream is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation which provides evidence that culverting the stream would have a negative impact on the natural wildlife of the area. They would like to quote the following paragraphs from the report: 5.2.2 Scrub and trees should be retained wherever possible, particularly where they offer connectivity to adjacent habitats. 5.3.1 - The stream is a SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation) and considered to provide habitat for a range of species. It is therefore recommended that it is retained in its current state (i.e. open, and not culverted), and protected from effects of development during construction and operational phase. A drainage plan will inform appropriate protection of the stream and any ditches/associated features beyond the site. A minimum 7m vegetated buffer is required to protect the watercourse for Otter and Water Vole. 5.7.1 The stream should be retained and protected from development (as 5.3.1 above). A method statement and mitigation plan should be prepared in order to protect amphibians during site clearance and construction.
5.10.2 Planning authorities must seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity in the exercise of their functions. This means development should not cause any significant loss of habitats or populations of species, locally or nationally and must provide a net benefit for biodiversity. |
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