Dear Mr. Richards,
I am sending the response to your SAR in a separate email shortly after this email. I wanted to address the public questions section of your correspondence in its own right and not send multiple attachments in one thread - I hope that this makes it easier for you to access the different parts of the communication and it does help to differentiate the topics on this end as well.
W.R.T the issues and concerns that you have raised with the planning and construction phases at Heol y Glyn, I will be writing directly to NRW and NPTCBC to raise awareness of the data that you have provided. I understand that there has been contact with them before from yourself, but I would like to have something specific and direct from the Town Council so that we can properly discharge our duties here and have a distinct trail of correspondence with the two parties I have mentioned. I would be happy to share this letter with Full Council and therefore with all members of the public, once it has been drafted. I appreciate that this isn't going to be on an immediate timescale as our next scheduled meeting is in the second week of September, but I will be adding this item to the agenda so that Members can consider the draft before being sent.
Thank you again for your email and for your questions. I will write to you if anything changes in the interim, but I hope that this can be one more step towards having this matter formally acknowledged and considered.
All the best,
Ceri Willcox (Mx)
Clerc y Cyngor / Clerk to the Council
Cyngor Tref Glynnedd / Glynneath Town Council