20200515A-EM-RICD-NPTC-griffiths-future-misconduct-report - ( legal01 )

Distribution Main:

Craig Griffiths - Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer - c.griffiths2@npt.gov.uk
Council Leader (for observation) - r.g.jones@npt.gov.uk
Del Morgan (for observation)
Simon Knoyle (for observation)
Glynneath Town Council - for placing on record
Christina Rees MP - FAO Ciaran (for recording with other info) - christina.rees.mp@parliament.uk
Chair of Planning Committee - Cllr S Paddison - cllr.s.paddison@npt.gov.uk - evidence of planning department malpractice/misconduct
Vice Chair of Planning Committee - Cllr Sean Pursey - cllr.s.pursey@npt.gov.uk - evidence of planning department malpractice/misconduct
Head of Finance - H Jones Distribution Copied - add to info reference council tax

Distribution Blind coped:
say enz-NO residents email group - Hi all - a complaints form is attached, you may consider using it.

Dear Mr Griffiths

Please find attached documents which provide evidence of 'Misconduct in Public Office' within your planning department and council complaints system.

I'm sure you will understand the inference of your personal actions within these documents and with reference to the email dated 28/4/2020 (20200428A-EM-NPTC-RICD-griffiths1) to which I replied earlier today, I am offering you one 'personal error of judgment' which you have already made in this matter to change your stance with an opportunity to whistleblow on your colleagues who are cleary in breach of the NPTC Corporate Plan values and staff code of conduct. Your council's whistleblowing procedure is attached with which you are more than familiar with of course. 

Attached documents/information:

20200507A-EM-RICD-plan-s-ball-CP1-notice - complaint against the Planning Development Manager Steve Ball

letter to Mr Richards 12-May-20 - This letter is a response to a complaint against the Planning Development Manager, Steve Ball. The reply according to the letter is from Ceri Morris, Head of Planning and although the document is signed by Ceri Morris on his headed notepaper the author according to the documents meta data is Steve Ball. This is deliberate misconduct by both Ceri Morris and Steve Ball.

20200428A-EM-NPTC-RICD-griffiths1 - Evidence of Craig Griffiths and Ceri Morris working together to railroad me in and out of the council complaints system without the opportunity to make an actual complaint through the correct council procedure (correct complaints form attached). This despite my refusal to complain twice.

20200428a-EM-RICD-NPTC-complaint-no2 - my refusal to complain 1 (available on request)

20200428a-EM-RICD-NPTC-complaint-no3 - my refusal to complain 2 (available on request)

20200515R-DO-NPTC-complaints-form - The actual NPTC complaints form to which I should have been directed to by the Council Leader.

Letter to Mr D Richards (04-May-20) - Ceri Morris, The Head of Planning and Public Protection's investigation as referenced by the Council Leader about Steve Ball written by Steve Ball - see image of document meta data referenced below. This is deliberate misconduct by both Ceri Morris and Steve Ball..

20200504A-IM-NPTC-steve-ball-flat.jpg - evidence of author info

20200515R-DO-NPTC-whistleblow - NPTC Whistleblowing policy

I will be placing these documents along with this text on the following website.


in a style similar to that which I have done for Steve Ball............


..............in the next couple of weeks and including it in my complaint to the police, see future email directed to the council leader. I trust you are well and looking forward to the weekend.

Dai Richards


(receipt of email confirmed by Craig Griffiths on the same day at 12.39 copied to all)

Dear Mr Richards - I acknowledge receipt of your below email and confirm the issues that you raise will be looked at accordingly by officers and an officer will respond to you in due course. 

The reply was made by Nicola Pearce on 26 May 2020 - CLICK HERE








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