1. a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc.
2. a union into one body or mass; fusion.
3. the joining together of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time, or a government that is formed in this way:
Definitions retrieved from
on 24/1/2021
1. guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked:
(a corrupt judge.)
2. debased in character; depraved; perverted; wicked; evil:
(a corrupt society.)
3. (of a text) made inferior by errors or alterations: (Scholars compared the corrupt Alexandrian manuscript with a more reliable Greek translation.)
4. infected; tainted.
5. decayed; putrid.
6. Computers. relating to or designating computer code or stored data that contains errors:
(If the corrupt file won’t open, restore a previous save.)
verb (used with object)
7. to destroy the integrity of; cause to be dishonest, disloyal, etc., especially by bribery.
8. to lower morally; pervert: (to corrupt youth.)
9. to alter (a language, text, etc.) for the worse; debase.
10. to mar; spoil.
11. to infect; taint.
12. to make putrid or putrescent.
13. Computers. to introduce errors in (computer code or stored data) when saving, transmitting, or retrieving it:
(I downloaded some free modifications that corrupted the core program, so I can’t open it until I uninstall and reinstall the original version.)
14. English Law. (in historical use) to subject (an attainted person) to corruption of blood.
verb (used without object)
to become corrupt.
Definition retrieved from
on 24/1/2021