Stephen Karl Hunt - Neath Port Talbot Council Leader






stephen karl hunt skh ASB anti social behaviour

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FB POST - Stephen Karl Hunt post on NCVFE shared on GNV

Time to make a difference Zero Tolerance to #ASB 
Anti Social Behaviour in young people is on the increase everywhere , lots of communities are suffering from a variety of different circumstances from these young people, whether it’s verbal abuse, to petty crime, vandalism , unacceptable graffiti to serious criminal damage I would ask you all to report report report all these incidents.
Yes the police for their stats ask to report to the 101 number , however there are other ways to report crimes and that’s online.
If you see or hear anything about any type of ASB or crime across the Dulais Valley then obviously report to the police in the way I have suggested , but you can discreetly let me know also.
We simply cannot continue to have such really bad behaviour from a minority of people , it has come to a point where zero tolerance should be the position from us all.
Communities , Businesses and everyone needs to be supported going forward so together we must stand up to anyone who is prepared to behave in this way.
South Wales Police link below:
#LetsSayNotoASB #StanduptoASB #ZeroTolerance 

14/6/22   COMMENTS: from here

Dai Richards - What is clear from this post is that there is a complete misunderstanding of the reasons for ASB. It is on the increase because nobody in government agencies such as the Neath-Port Talbot Council, Welsh Government, police and state education cares about children and young people. These public officials are only ticking the boxes they are told to tick because they are told it is the right thing to do by those higher up the system. Nobody in government is prepared to talk to young people to try to understand the reasons why they do the things we consider to be anti-social. If you don't understand why they do these things you'll only make matters worse by punishing them and sending them out to offend again. Its a vicious circle that is worsening and widening. The people of Wales should wake up because this country is imploding with ineffective government the cause. Its only going to get worse.


Jennifer Herbert to Dai Richards well said


Thank you Jennifer, I believe that this post is an inappropriate one for a leader of a community. I would suggest that it is a negative controlling post which seeks to split the community of Neath-Port Talbot as opposed to the joining together of everyone for the benefit of all. We should be focussing as a community on how we can integrate those committing ASB into the community in a positive manner and not separating them and branding them as troublemakers as Stephen Karl Hunt suggests in this post. I would suggest that we in Glynneath focus as a community on EMPATHY and SUPPORT for our young people.


Jennifer Herbert to Dai Richards there was a incident at the park yesterday for instance …2 youths entered the tennis courts with a football intent on playing and kicking a hard ball around the courts and possibly damaging the recently bought tennis nets that were installed there.
A senior member of the tennis courts approached the boys and asked them why they chose to play football on a tennis court, the boys replied “ they seen the members playing tennis, and wanted to join in, but had no racquets, so thought of kicking the ball over the nets back and forth”, The senior member disappeared for a while and came back with 2 unused racquets and gave them to the boys, along with tennis balls and told them they could have the racquets and balls free of charge and use them freely to play the game.
This instance was witnessed by several people inc myself, and it might not make the 9 o clock news, but it was a situation that was easily solved by simply speaking and communicating with youths who hopefully take up the sport and turned a negative situation into a positive situation with the correct approach.
We can ALL learn a lesson from this act of kindness and commitment ( inc myself)
When this country is being squeezed of its moral duty and care to society and especially the young, who we should be placing first, there was a HUGE lesson that was freely applied to that ONE act of Kindness.


Dai Richards to Jennifer Herbert 
That's brilliant, well done to that tennis member and you have captured the moment brilliantly. That one act of kindness you witnessed 'paid forward' by the tennis member could have a massive impact on that young person's life and as you say, we can all learn from this.


Jennifer Herbert to Dai Richards don’t get me wrong, I’m the first to shout at youths when their misbehaving, But when you look at the overall impact that youths are subjected to, The strain on families today are nothing like we had in the 70s 80s. One thing That was paramount in my youth, and many like me, was the ‘Care in society’ Discipline is useless without care.


Dai Richards to Jennifer Herbert I totally agree with you there. Care is a key factor in preparing young people for the future, at the end of the day they have to look after us when hopefully we grow old, and if they don't learn 'care' from us, how will they undertstand to care for us when we need it.


Jennifer Herbert to Dai Richards 
that ship has sailed.
Hospitals are not functioning as we speak, because there is no where to care for elderly patients when they are released. Families can no longer care for their elderly parents, because The system forces people to work long hours for little return.
Care providers are being paid a pittance to do one of the most challenging jobs, so quit!
This county is on its knees, and STILL we house immigrants?
It’s certainly not about Racism! It’s about Quality of life, which we haven’t seen for decades.
Getting back to the original post, if there is NO CARE for infants when they are at their most vulnerable, and the only solution “when they act up”is to lock them up for misbehaving! then the WHOLE system is flawed, and needs reviewing ( like yesterday) .


Dai Richards to Jennifer Herbert 
Again - you are so right, your grasp on the shocking reality of our current society is pretty amazing. I would suggest that you enter into the political arena but we won't go there. ��

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Jennifer Herbert to Dai Richards 



88.jpg (264301 bytes) ASB act .gov https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2014/12/contents/enacted