

From: Dai Richards <dairichardswales@gmail.com>
Sent: 09 January 2023 22:45
To: Wales Audit Office <info@audit.wales>; SWP101 <SWP101@south-wales.police.uk>
Subject: Re: Margaret Jackson (Ruth Madoc ) & John Jackson potential death through Corporate Manslaughter - NPTCBC leader Misconduct in Public Office report.

Dear Mr Edwards,

thank you for your reply. Audit Wales has been copied onto the initial email to assist South Wales Pol;ice in the investigation into the potential Corporate Manslaughetr of Glynneath residents not as a primary criminal investigor but as a secondary government procedures investigator. I did this with regards to your role in identifying good practice or in this case bad practice and deliberate malpractice. You are an organisation that South Wales Police can rely on for a genuine analysis and report of malpractice. I attach images from your website which identify this role in your organisatioin, If bad practice is endemic in the Glynneathh Town Council and it is almost certainly causing the deaths of residnets in Glynneath because of historical and current links with NPTCBC then this is not good practice and the Wales Audit Office need to thoroughlly investigate investigate information provided and inform South Wales Police of their findings. . I beleive there may be a cross agency collaboration protocol that needs to be observed. I am happy to provide as much evidence as you need that good practice is being ignored and that there is a deliberate failure to observe good practice at NPTCBC and the Glynneath Town Council which is almost certainly causing the death of residents. , There are two being buried next week, Ruth Madoc and June Wehko, both living next to or near exposed toxiic waste that is being ignored and the information covered up by the Glynneath Town Council and the Neath Port Talbot CBC. Your organisation turning a blind eye to the failure of these councils to use good pratice.is not good practice. It is a dereliction of duty and a waste of public money. I will continue to make information public and I will continue to provide information to the Wales Audit Office. If you keep turning a blind eye to this information that's your choice. - regards - Dai - PS excuse any typos 

SW Police Occ No 2200425412 

Also attached - chemical test document of land close to Ruth Madocs home in October 2020, the contaminatted land protocol has not been followed for this test and the test is also probably tampered with. This is not good practice. 

More information can be found here.
