

On 27/2/23 Gareth Waters tagged me into a post that was about the arrest of a suspected paedophile Paul Lennox in Glynneath. The arrest followed a combined sting operation between the Community Support Groups Dank Dragon and Sacred Souls, two public protection organisations with a large FB following. I entered into a debate with Nia Megan Howells and Lisa Tazey (rugby club) and then Pepe Pugh joined in after being tagged by his sister, I tagged Jen Herbert. The majority of the exchanges happened on the 28 February and the 1 March. Michael Pepe Pugh, a former town clerk and town councillor at GTC indicated that he knew there were sex offenders he knew about living in Glynneath. 


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Paul Lennox photo & info with REMANDED overprint

A dangerous individual not only highly grooming children, but has a history of domestic violence.
Also threatened the Hunters with a knife when they went to his door so armed police turned up.

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" I know, as do many others, that there are other sex offenders in Glynneath." - the former Glynneath Town Clerk & Councillor, Michael Pugh, (in a Facebook comment - 1 March 2023)




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Paul Lennox photo & info with REMANDED overprint

A dangerous individual not only highly grooming children, but has a history of domestic violence.
Also threatened the Hunters with a knife when they went to his door so armed police turned up.

Additional Info Where is the video of the sting please?

Dank Dragon never sting live, the vids are released upon conviction

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Gareth Waters post - Big thank you to the team DANK Dragon for exposing this gentleman who thinks it’s acceptable to do certain things with young children that are just sick. So please could you all share and tag as many people as possible for everyone to know exactly what he is. Because after the police remove him from here, he could very well be coming you where you are . Please please please share

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Kathy Jones
Well done to you all ,this weirdo was put into old people's flats where my brother lived before his last address where you caught him����we knew there was something dodgy about him from the start ,so glad to see him caught well done ,the town I live seems to e a dumping ground for them ����

Gareth Waters
Kathy Jones South Wales Police just move them from place to place protecting them. They should all be on a database for everyone to know. They should have a sign stuck to their houses saying ‘I am a nonse keep well clear’

Kathy Jones
Gareth Waters I totally agree with you ,absolutely ridiculous the past few years how many are being dumped up here Gareth, me and Ken said from the start there was something not right about why he was here ,and now they put him close to the two schools ffs ����

Dai Richards
Gareth Waters I agree with you there but I think he moved from one council property to another in Glynneath so in effect is it the council who are moving him around and deciding where he lives.

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Dai Richards
Kathy Jones The attached image is an internal email between two Glynneath Town Councillors of which I am the subject matter. It should be noted that Councillor Mike Pugh left Glynneath two days after sending this email. The subject matter is about child abuse in Glynneath and the wild accustations I'm making against Glynneath Town Councillors who are covering up child abuse. I would welcome any questions on this. I reported child abuse to the Glynneath Town Council 4 years ago and rather than doing something about it, they covered it up............ and are still doing so ��

image of Mike Pugh - wild accusations

Kathy Jones
Dai Richards absolutely shocking ,why would they want to cover something like this up ,over the past few years there's been at least 4 of these scumbags that I know of put in glynneath, I agree with you there should be an investigation into why they are putting them here and I think most of the people of the village would agree ,it doesn't surprise me about Mike pugh though I have a few comments I could say but don't want to be banned from Facebook ����

Kathy Jones
Dai Richards totally right

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Paul Roberts
He’ll just get a new identity and 2 weeks in lanzarote

Nia Megan Howells
So glad he’s been caught and great work BUT one thing I can not work out is why are the police or government covering and hiding these people? Putting it right by the school as well. The whole system is corrupt and no doubt he will be somewhere eles soon! Disgusting person! ����

Gareth Waters
Nia Megan Howells well I’m waiting for the police to ring me back. Because they are not suppose to be doing that. So let’s see what they say now. Il post their response up as well. Fuck um

Nia Megan Howells
Gareth Waters thanks for taking the matter further! Should never happen!

DaiMel Herring
Gareth Waters remember that other scum cu*t that lived by me and ur gran ,they put him right by a park and a nursery �� if it wasn’t for u avin the info passed on and making it public he be still b there�� 3 years or more he was living there b4 we found out.��
Makes u think �� how many more are there in our village that we don’t know about ��

Gareth Waters
DaiMel Herring �� mate. That was just luck. This guy has been cleaning windows for years apparently. Imagine how many kids he’s spying on while doing it. Let’s share the living fuck out of this so everyone knows. And if the police to get rid of him then….you know the rest ����

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Dai Richards
Nia Megan Howells Whilst the government organisations are responsible for the placement of people like Paul Lennox in the community. It is the community itself who support the government system that allows this. I've included an image here of how you personally Nia Megan Howells have supported a corrupt system by laughing at evidence of corruption within this society (Glynneath) that was placed in front of you on the Glynneath News and Views group. In doing so and by not considering or questioning this information you have also placed the lives of Gareth Waters and his family at risk. You are in effect part of the system that supports people like Paul Lennox being moved into our community and the image I've included in the post is evidence of this. I would welcome your constructive opinion on this. ��
May be an image of text that says "Andrea Haha Jannine Pugh Trump Gemma Leanne Lee Garrett Nia Megan Howells"

haha image

Dai Richards
Nia Megan Howells You and others should watch this video on YouTube to see how I've outed the Glynneath Town Council on your behalf in an attempt to protect this community and the children within it.



Dai Richards
Gareth Waters can you tag me on the response please ��

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Nia Megan Howells
Dai Richards are you serious here? This man is a convicted pedo!! Nothing to laugh at all ��

Nia Megan Howells
Dai Richards I am not anything to do with where he is placed! The reason why I press laugh at your post is because how childish you be with other parties! I’d appreciate if you don’t insinuate things like you have or I’ll take it further !!

Nia Megan Howells
Lisa Tazey (tagged)

Dai Richards
Nia Megan Howells - can you elaborate on "The reason why I press laugh at your post is because how childish you be with other parties!" in relation to the information I pasted that you laughed at which is....................................

"Glynneath is such a lovely place, with so many lovely people, but you those of you supporting Simon Knoyle are being made to look fools. People of Glynneath, please please, please open your eyes and challenge your beliefs that Simon Knoyle is always correct because he is not.
Please wake up Glynneath because Simon Knoyle, Del Morgan and a number of other councillors are potentially covering up Neath-Port Talbot Council Corporate Manslaughter that is killing Glynneath residents and you or a member of your family may be the next to die from cancer or a neurodegenerative disorder caused by untreated contamination from the Heol y Glyn landfill site. Don't take chances with the lives of your families and those of your friends. Be safe, not sorry."

I would suggest that you don't even know where the image is from? What I'm saying in my post is that you support organised corruption within the community and as a rule corruption is linked to other crimes, in a system that is somewhat like the mafia and so when you laugh at people who are trying to protect children and other members of the community from people like this you are part of that corruption and therefore you are partially to blame for a paedo being placed in your community especially when he is living in a 'council' property. You can take this as far as you want, I can back up everything I say. I would rather you be educated than ashamed so I welcome the oportunity to educate you again if you have the guts to listen?

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Dai Richards
Nia Megan Howells This is the moment where Simon Knoyle stitches up the children of Wales. After you laughed at my post.
Video link - https://youtu.be/h8DfW92IYsQ

Lisa Tazey
Nia Megan Howells don't retaliate. It looks like he's wanted to say something to you for a while so just don't bite. He's not worth your energy, there is more important things to think about! Xxx

Gareth Waters
Dai Richards ring me

Gareth Waters
Dai Richards I have sent you my number

Nia Megan Howells
Lisa Tazey spot on there xxx

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Dai Richards
Lisa Tazey This is why you have paedophiles living in your community, because people like you don't take the time out to challenge things that are not right. You have supported Nia Megan Howells in you little sub-community against someone who is fighting for the rights of children in the whole of community of Glynneath and the country of Wales. You haven't challenged what I've said. Words like " It looks like he's wanted to say something to you for a while" are cheap opinions that are without substance and have no place in a serious subject matter debate like 'child abuse'. I'm saying that Nia Megan Howells is supporting corruption in this community and have provided evidence of this. Supporting corruption at any level allows things like this to happen and you can now be seen to be supporting it as well. I will say this to you as well Lisa Tazey that "I can back up everything I say with evidence. I would rather you be educated than ashamed so I welcome the oportunity to educate you too if you have the guts to listen and/or debate further?"

Lisa Tazey
Dai Richards think what you like, say what you like and I suggest you don't get me involved. Go and have your little rant to someone else

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?? double check in this area

Dai Richards
Lisa Tazey But you have involved yourself when you said
"It looks like he's wanted to say something to you for a while so just don't bite. He's not worth your energy, "
Here we see you mentioning me twice, when you say 'he' you mean me. You had a go at me without me saying anything to you first and with a derogatory comment as well "He's not worth your energy," That is a rant. I'm not ranting, I'm debating with words that have meaning and make sense. That's why Nia Megan Howells tagged you in so that you can work together as a group because you lack the guts to stand up for the children of this village on your own like I have been doing for the last 4 years and Gareth is doing now, and now you are both showing an element of cowardice in running away from a problem you both created. And when you say "don't get me involved" this is a case of you couldn't stand the heat so you left the kitchen.
If you watch this video and ask Simon Knoyle and Del Morgan why they haven't responded to this public question because the toxins from the site could be inhaled and be affecting children in the park, playing on the 4g pitch and also playing rugby on the main pitch, not forgetting the residents surrounding the site.

link to YouTube video - https://youtu.be/ag4G36k8wlc


Nia Megan Howells
Dai Richards oh please grow up this post is about a pedo it’s nothing to do with local councillors for god sake grow up. Stick your evidence in your mouth and be quiet will you.

Lisa Tazey
Nia Megan Howells just delete your comment and silence him ��

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Dai Richards
Nia Megan Howells This is why he exists because you Nia Megan Howells don't understand the process that got him to that position. If you understood the process that put him there, you could maybe put a stop to him carrying out his various activities. Glynneath Town Council have been hiding child abuse for the last 4 years. They are the lowest level of a chain of government where the two highest levels have a history of having a p....phile ring.
If you make an internet search for the Welsh Assembly Government Member Simon George Thomas ( Plaid Cymru )

Ex-AM who harvested sick child abuse images spared jail - DAILYPOST.CO.UK

You will note that there are historical occurrences of child abuse in the Welsh Assembly Government. A Plaid Cymru assembly member had 600 pornographic images of children on his computer. By covering up information that promotes child abuse, the Glynneath Town Council are supporting any current and future child abuse actions made by a Government that has a history of members who are paedophiles.
Which is maybe why they are shipped to Glynneath, perhaps its because they know they have a sympathetic council that supports them. Like in this video here.........

Link to Youtube video https://youtu.be/h8DfW92IYsQ

Gareth Waters
Right Dai. Stop with all that Bollucks on my post. My post is about this paedophile , create your own post with your concerns about the council etc. your conversation is going away from what my intent was in the first place.

Dai Richards
Gareth Waters OK - sorry, I just thought I'd put some scaffolding up and a house under your superb roof of a post. ��

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Is this the only one in glynneath cwmgrach and pontneddfechan

Gareth Waters
Johnathan Duffy doubt it mate

Rebecca Jones
Johnathan Duffy no there's another one living opposite the creche. Dirty stinking fucker. That's where he got placed a few years ago. Came from England way.

Dai Richards
Rebecca Jones I woud suggest that there should be a community process in place where at first a non-intrusive investigation into your information can take place. Followed by report and an escalation of investigation if required with the relevant regulatory authority (the police). Perhaps you should check with your local town councillor to see if one can be put in place. Its concerning if one does in fact exist in the location you state. This is the contact information for your local councillors as it appears on the website. Hope this helps.

Councillors page image

May be an image of text that says "Glynneath Town Council East Ward Councillors Members of Glynneath Town Council Blower Pontwalby Glynneath West Centra Warou Carolyn Edwards LAIDCYMRU Martha Cowley PontneathvaughanRoa PLAID CYMRU Steven Evans ÛaghRoad INDEPENDENT Cllr Emyr Hayley Glynneath PLAID CYMRU Chinnth INDEPENDENT Wrduil Mayor Glynneath West Ward Counci lors PLAI Janet Gregory- Maes Pergwm Glynneath LABOUR NeathSA115LS Bulman Aberpergwm INDEPENDENT PLAID CYMRU Sandra Lane Min-Yr-Awel Pontneathvaughan PLAI PLAID Pitman S PLAIDCYMRU Cllr Geraint Lewis Min-Y-Coed PLAIDYMU"

Nia Megan Howells
Rebecca Jones who ? Oddfellow st? Xxx

Rebecca Jones
Yep xxx

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Tonicha Jones
Rebecca Jones the one who worked down the lamb??

Debra Edwards
Thank goodness for this team of people, the only ones looking out for our kids, well done ��

Dai Richards
Debra Edwards Its good that Gareth Waters has stood up for the community and made this information public. But its not so good that an organisation from outside Glynneath has basically done the dirty work for the community that it should be doing for themselves. I would welcome your constructive opinion on this. 

Carol Baggaley
Unfortunately, these folk live in communities, there are many that have not been caught and go undetected, the only protection you have has a parent is to educate your children about the dangers of social media and ensure children know their own boundaries, people who abuse whatever the form are normally known to the family and child, it is rare for an opportunist to strike….

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Jannine Pugh Trump
Pepe Pugh you need to read this

Jannine Pugh Trump
Been screen shotted Pepe Pugh

Pepe Pugh
Dai Richards the emails were between your good friend Jennifer and myself. At no point did I say there were no pedophiles in Glynneath, but you were accusing any councillors who disagreed with you of covering up murder and child abuse, with zero evidence. In fact almost all “evidence” you supplied were from you, or a close family member and clearly not unbiased. Furthermore, your unfounded accusations were vast, as was your vitriolic attitude. I know, as do many others, that there are other sex offenders in Glynneath, but to say all these individuals are being shielded and protected by GTC is ludicrous. This will be my last post on this matter, I’ve suffered enough bullying and underhand tactics for you, ex councillor Jennifer Roberts and your other sycophants, and, unlike you, I’d rather not try and politicise a public service post by G for public awareness for my own ends.

Dai Richards
Gareth Waters - am I allowed to defend myself here or to I have to sit back and play the pussy cat like you want me to ? Its exactly what I've been saying to you - the councillors are all in it together - look at what this numpty says:

"I know, as do many others, that there are other sex offenders in Glynneath"

and he was a councillor. What the fuck was he doing while he was on the council when he was aware that there are 'sex offenders' living in Glynneath? Is he putting safeguarding measures in place? NO, The answer to that question is NOTHING. Which is why you have a community full of Nonses. This video is about him and the 'evidence' he says I don't have which the GTC have refused to challenge and have hidden for the last 3 years.



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" I know, as do many others, that there are other sex offenders in Glynneath." - the former Glynneath Town Clerk & Councillor, Michael Pugh, (in a Facebook comment - 1 March 2023)

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Michael Pugh GN&V Unbiased opening quote.

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laughing icon Michael Pugh

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Dai Richards
Pepe Pugh can you provide evidence of the following statement please?
"You put laughing emojis and abusive messages regarding glynneath councillors many times."
Because once again you are leading with malevolent and false information that cannot be backed up.
Once you have backed up the statements that you have made to which I have requested clarification, I will debate with you because in this instance you are clearly trying to bait both Jennifer Herbert and myself into a slanging match with worthless comments that have no substance. Quite simply, you are trying to drag us both down to your level which in this instance is an impossible task.
Whilst we are capable of fighting at the lower level, we won't engage in such tittle tattle as it demeans our status in the comunity as a group who stand up for the people of the community and don't run away the minute things get tough. I will however leave you with my personal opinion of you for all to see.
You are a digusting piece of shit and a disgrace to the British Armed Forces.
Night night

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Pepe Pugh
1. Dai Richards said he had evidence of Glynneath Town Councillors covering up murder and child abuse, then why did he not give this information to the police? Instead he just used it for a smear campaign against a few GTC councillors. Surely the police would have acted quickly to such evidence and the safety of others is more important than a petty squabble with a few small town councillors.
2. Kathy Jones said there were at least 4 others (sex offenders) that she was aware of. Yet Mr Richards or Ms Herbert haven’t hounded Kathy in the same way they have me, not even questioned her knowledge, further proving that there is an agenda against me.
3. At the time when Mr Richards says he has evidence to the murder and child abuse cover up by GTC, Jennifer Herbert was a serving town councillor at that time, so she must have been aware and complicit to the cover up, if indeed the cover up were true. I have asked her to clarify this a number of times, yet I’ve been ignored.
4. As I stated I, along with others in Glynneath, have been aware of sex offenders living in the village, as Kathy Jones said way before me on this thread. This information came from Facebook and at least one Wales Online article, at the time there were many posts on the subject.
5. I was prompted to run for council because of what I deemed to be bullying. Ms Herbert and another serving town councillor had arranged for a public right of way to be built through a disabled persons property, around a metre from their door, causing the residents great distress. Ironically, this couple had been having a long term dispute with the Junior Tennis coaches, people that Ms Herbert and the other ex councillor are very close friends with. At a cost of many 10s of thousands of taxpayers money and against Glynneath residents (her own electorate) the path was installed. I asked her multiple times, why she fought so hard for it, especially knowing the impact to a disabled person? She has never once answered.
Mr Richards dragged me into this post, I had no intention of engaging with him, or Ms Herbert ever again. It’s difficult dealing with people like this and not get dragged into their delusion and hate. They both completely ignore certain comments and most questions, just regurgitating the same thing over and over, even after their questions have been answered.
Pointless trying to argue with extremists

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Dai Richards
Pepe Pugh you were a serving councillor, why did you not act upon this information. Don't try and tag Kathy Jones and make her accountable for your failure to uphold your responsibilities as a public official. You were a councillor and part of the government system that is placing people like this in our community. For your information, I have supplied South Wales Police 4 times with evidence of council corruption that is potentially causing the death of residents surrounding the Heol y Glyn site and twice with evidence of the intentional systematic abuse of children that is potentially happening in Glynneath as we speak. They have refused to investigate our concerns and rather than provide a resonable explanation as to why they won't investigate or provide counter evidence, they ignore our follow ups and rely on corrupt council officials like yourself to provide the answers to them to our questions. They like yourself will attempt to discredit me and the information I have provided. Your role as a council official was to investigate the concerns of the public, instead, you were part of an alliance of corrupt councillors working without a clerk who even tried to change the Freedom of Information Act regulations to prevent the people of Glynneath from accessing information. Wake up to who you are. You are Michael Pugh a former public official who is a supporter of sex offenders living in Glynneath because in your time on the council you did NOTHING ..............
"I know, as do many others, that there are other sex offenders in Glynneath." - the former Glynneath Town Councillor, Michael Pugh, 1 March 2023

    End of Pepe Pugh's and my involvement in the post

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that "I can back up everything I say with evidence. I would rather you be educated than ashamed so I welcome the opportunity to educate you too if you have the guts to listen and/or debate further?" 


Nia M-H, I would suggest that this post is a case of double standards, you can be seen to be supporting the hate campaign by Simon Knoyle against me by laughing at my plea to the people of Glynneath when on 21 September 2021 I stated 

"Glynneath is such a lovely place, with so many lovely people, but those of you supporting Simon Knoyle are being made to look fools. People of Glynneath, please please, please open your eyes and challenge your beliefs that Simon Knoyle is always correct and is working in the best interest of this community because he is not."

You laughed at me and supported Knoyle's hate campaign with a HaHa emoji.............

The following are two extracts from an email I sent on 9 January 2022 to the Plaid Cymru County Councillor Carolyn Edwards to which all members of the Glynneath Town Council apart from Roger Simons was copied (he was given a hard copy), In the email stated 

" If you make an internet search for the Welsh Assembly Government Member Simon George Thomas ( Plaid Cymru ) (https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/simon-thomas-plaid-paedophile-sentence-15354356 ) you will note that there are historical occurrences of child abuse in the Welsh Assembly Government. By covering up information that promotes child abuse Simon Knoyle and the Glynneath Town Council are supporting any current and future child abuse actions made by a Government that has a history of members who are paedophiles.

" I believe that you should take the time out to read the document that you were supplied with and keep reading it until you understand it because it points to evidence of Plaid Cymru child abuse of which you are probably familiar, and the potential Corporate Manslaughter of Glynneath Residents by yourself and the other members of the Glynneath Town Council."

As I suggested earlier, I believe you are showing double standards here with your post, Glynneath Town Council of which he is a member are covering up 'child abuse' and you can be seen to be supporting them.