A disturbing trend throughout Wales is the introduction of information into the education curriculum that is intended to abuse children whilst in the care of government employees and carers. The information contained in the education curriculum for schools and play is quite clearly contestable based upon the reactions of parents and grandparents who legally have to allow their children to be subjected to this information as part of their schooling. The information being provided to teachers and carers almost always goes against family, religious and cultural moral and safeguarding standards but according to government legislation it is not to be challenged. Families are unable to safeguard their children against the practices contained in such documentation and because they are forced to send their children to school, if they fail to do so, they run the risk of suffering the consequences of the British legal system. Which of course is conducted completely behind closed doors and will cost you a fortune to contest.

This information provided for both the play and sex education curriculum is subjective and based upon theoretical documents that are without scientific evidence to support the theories contained within. A process then occurs that turns the information into a political ideology that eventually ends up in the teaching of perverted sex theories or children being placed in life threatening situations in the play environment. Quite simply in one school day it is possible for your child to be taught about anal sex, facial ejaculation and then given the option to play chicken with cars by the school dinner lady. This is while of course they are being supported by the school to go through a sex change, and if you disagree with all that, for shame on you, your a bad parent, you could have your children taken off you. 

What is clear from the information in the documentation surrounding the education and care of children is that we have already entered a period of: 


It is where information is designed to disadvantage or cause harm to a targeted section of our community. In this case the section of our society being targeted is children.

Children in our society are being abused through information that goes against the moral, religious and cultural standards that we all hold dear. That is, the safety of our children, our grandchildren, our great grand children, our nephews and nieces and the children of our friends and neighbours.

Historically, we have seen an excellent example of INFORMATION ABUSE in 'Mein Kampf', the book written by Adolf Hitler. After writing the book, Hitler eventually seized power and used information abuse, also known as propaganda to indoctrinate the German people and to cause a world war. Albert Einstein, a jew, blames the German people and particularly their belief in 'Mein Kampf' for the holocaust. Inside Hitler's work we see that Herr Hitler structures his argument against the Jews on subjective generic information, such as they (the jews) are smelly and slimy and he accuses them as a race of poisoning human souls. Hitler made subjective attacks on a religious group which were based on observations that ended up in the massacre of 6 million jews.

Its nearly 80 years since World War II and man is using more subtle and cleverer way to disadvantage his competitors through INFORMATION ABUSE. He is using so called scientific methods that are almost always based upon empirical observation. In 1949 the eminent Portuguese neurologist Egas Moiz jointly received a Nobel prize for his work as one of the founders of psychosurgery. Moniz thought that mental illness originated from abnormal neural connections in the frontal lobe. He described a "fixation of synapses," which in mental illness, was expressed as "predominant, obsessive ideas." Confused, its easier to say that we know this medical procedure today as a 'lobotomy'. Basically the front part of the brain is chopped away. One in twenty died from the operation and hundreds of thousands of people were reduced to a 'child' like life based upon the hunch of one man.

The holocaust and lobotomies are both examples of INFORMATION ABUSE OUTCOMES that have resulted from a process that begun with a subjective published work as opposed to an objective one. So what is the difference between an objective and a subjective information.

An objective opinion is one that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Example: The son of Mark Drakeford, the First Minister of Wales was convicted and jailed for 8 years for the sustained rape of a woman, he also admitted to a child sexual offence with a girl he thought was 15. The source for this information is the BBC News and the BBC are a British Government News agency who we must assume have checked their facts otherwise the First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford would probably get upset.

A subjective opinion is based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

Example: Bob Hughes, the author of the book "First Claim" on which the Welsh Government play education process is based states that.  "[Deep Play] is essential for a child's personal development......... Deep play is when adults observe children taking part in deep play, they may perceive it to be extremely dangerous and even life threatening. Examples of 'deep play' are children playing in front over traffic, riding a bike on the parapet of a bridge or through fire and climbing high trees over rivers. Play in which the stakes are so high, that it is... irrational... to engage in it at all."

Bob Hughes, I would suggest is a complete idiot whose opinions have been taken on board by the Welsh Government and deep play is actually part of a play framework in Wales. 

A child has one childhood, one opportunity to be educated at school and only one life. Will you risk your child's health and education to the subjective opinions of people like Bob Hughes?

 Would you allow somebody like Mark Drakeford to make a decision on that information, whether or not it is suitable for your child to be taught that. How many errors did Mark Drakeford make in the life of his child? 

 Will you allow your child to become a victim of Welsh Government INFORMATION ABUSE. 

Or will you fight like Kimberley Isherwood from Public Child Protection Wales for the right for you child to receive a decent education, free from ideologies based on subjective information that could cause irreparable damage to your child and ruin their life.




We see today that INFORMATION ABUSE is not only limited to historical incidents like the holocaust and government literature, today we find it in social media. A great example of this is in the Facebook group Neath, Consitituency Voice for Everyone. Over 21,000 members, only 1 man is admin. Stephen Karl Hunt. Not only is this man the Council Leader, so he has control over government policies. He also has control over who says what and who can't place information in a 'misrepresented' social media group. 


Welcome to Neath Port Talbot

Home of INFORMATION ABUSE and the capital county of Nazi policies in Wales.


What we are seeing is a 5 step process that ends up in children's lives being destroyed.

Step 1 - Educational material is published.

Step 2 - Civil servants who belong to a 'faction' such as a paedophile ring identify the education material, create concept with process and present it to politicians to debate for legislation.

Step 3 - Politicians vote on it and create legislation

Step 4 - Civil servants