

An email sent to Christina Rees MP offering her the opportunity to help out GRAC, the beginning of a chain that ends in the Chief Executive of NPTC refusing to communicate with the MP.


20230416A-WBEM-GRAC-CREE-mp-opportunity Christina Rees Enzo An email sent to Christina Rees MP offering her the oportunity to help out GRAC and if she doesn't we will target her. - 

.pdf file 20230416A-EM-GRAC-CREE-mp-opportunity


Ciaran Kearney (Christina Rees, Senior Caseworker) 2020 stated that 

"Having said all that, if there is risks to public health then Christina is interested in hearing about this. If the land remains a danger to other residents or if the work being done to remove these contaminants is not done properly so the soil remains contaminated, then Christina would like to be aware of it."






Hi Ciaran - hope you are well, I would refer you to your initial statement in relation to the toxic waste dump next to which I'm living.

"Having said all that, if there is risks to public health then Christina is interested in hearing about this. If the land remains a danger to other residents or if the work being done to remove these contaminants is not done properly so the soil remains contaminated, then Christina would like to be aware of it."

...........and your subsequent refusal to support the people who live in your constituency, several of whom living next to the site have since died including the actress Ruth Madoc and her husband John Jackson who lived next to a toxic waste dump for the last 20 years without even knowing it. Their deaths can potentially be linked to toxic waste at the Heol y Glyn landfill site in Glynneath along with at least 3-4 others in our group who have died since our last communication. 

These are people who have died because of a corrupt planning process following Christina's refusal to stand up for them and fight for their safety and these people are using UK legislation as a reason why they cannot take action. UK legislation is made by the UK Government of which Christina is a member. I'm sure that as a barrister Christina would understand that this is inappropriate behaviour by local government officials who are paid to support residents. 

With reference to the previous government problems I have presented to you, I now have a far greater understanding of government corruption and as such I am now targeting our elected members such as Christina because of their inappropriate referrals and refusal to stand accountable in the role they are elected for, that is to actually represent the people who have elected them. Residents of the United Kingdom who live in Neath.

To refer to our local Glynneath community council, All three of our local ward councillors stood down at the last election because of information I made public about them and there were 9 in total (out of 14) who didn't stand again. Of the 9, a member of our group who was not allowed to speak at meetings was subsequently murdered. We now have a Plaid Cymru puppet council who refuse to communicate with us led by a former corrupt NPTC official who I know for certain has taken favours from the Cuddy Group over the years. The democratic process does not exist in Glynneath.

Please look at this email as an opportunity for Christina to get her teeth into something that matters to the people of Neath who have elected her. From our past interactions, you know that I'm very good at what I do. 

I have a support team now that includes academic and physical scientists who specialise in chemistry. A local mining engineer who advises world leading insurance companies on contamination in relation to the spoil at their mines. They offer technical support to my team. and another one of the 9 former councillors who has understood the problem and joined our team to combat the corruption that is killing our members. 

Our mining engineer grew up near the site so not only does he have historical information in relation to the site, he has a science based approach to the problem and he states that:

"Potentially we could see a national disaster in which dozens of people may die"

Is Christina prepared to sit back and allow that to happen. I have evidence that during the planning and development process that the developers and council planning officials working together have broken major UK Government environment laws (Environmental Protection Act, Control of pollution Act) at least 3 times. UK Government legislation is being broken and UK Government legislation is being used to cover this up by local officials. 

I have built two YouTube playlists, one for analysis of corruption in the system in relation to the planning process. 


and one containing information. I won't paste the link for that one because the subject matter is complex and needs an accompanying analysis to be understood. 

I'm not attaching any documentation either but I have an absolute ton of it. and I don't want to overwhelm you with it. I'll be happy to answer any questions in relation to the subject matter but under no circumstances will I accept a referral as an answer to include the police.

The opportunities I see for Christina before I start targeting her holistically as an elected representative of the people of Neath are:

1. Support residents of Neath (our group) who need her help by understanding the problem and making positive actions on their behalf.

2. Appear in a video "The Murder of Gladys Pugh" to explain the reasoning why she has in the past previously been unable to support the people of Glynneath and why she is not prepared to support us in the future. 

regards Dai Richards - Chairman, Glynneath Residents Against Contamination.

PS - I'll refer you again to what our industry specialist says:

"Potentially we could see a national disaster in which dozens of people may die"

regards - Dai Richards - www.dai-richards.wales