Initial post 00as.jpg (316462 bytes) Today's the day where we decide our nations future. Please remember your photo ID when you go to vote.
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Janet R-Lewis 

00aq.jpg (67785 bytes) Remember Nigel Farage indicating that a vote for Brexit would release £350 million weekly for the NHS. He backtracked. Can you really trust a party with him as leader


Dai Richards to Janet R-Lewis  00ap.jpg (368809 bytes)

What you link to here is a nonsense article on something he never said. The article makes a of point of saying this. This is just another mainstream media attack on Nigel Farage designed to discredit him and Reform UK.

Janet R-Lewis to Dai Richards  00ap.jpg (368809 bytes)

With respect Nigel Farage during the campaign did nothing to discredit the slogan on the bus which was a key message that people remembered from the Brexit campaign.- link to story on https://metro.co.uk/

Dai Richards to Janet R-Lewis   00ap.jpg (368809 bytes)

I tried the link but I'm not seeing the article properly. From your comment, you are saying that the "slogan on the bus" said something that you said the Independant is attributing to Nigel Farage and now you are saying that the bus, not Nigel Farage said that. But if we look at what the bus itself said. "We send the EU £350 million a week, let's fund our NHS instead - Vote Leave" I'm sure that other people would think that you are a person of low intelligence fighting a losing battle because the bus said nothing of the sort. The slogan on the bus meant that we were sending money to Europe (350 million) that could be better spent on the NHS instead. Having seen the image of the bus and considered the bare facts on which that bigoted article was based, wouldn't you agree?

photo of bus attached

Brexit bus slogan 00ar.jpg (213445 bytes) "We send the EU £350 million a week, let's fund our NHS instead - Vote Leave"