23/3/2021 | FB Post | 20210324A-SM-SKNO-fb-post-enzo
- I apologise for the amount of posts today and the length of them, this one is a little shorter I have been asked to scrutinise and ask questions on several issues regarding the Proposed Residential Development at the Heol y Glyn Site, this I have done. I have a file of information relating to this and copies of all e-mails sent and received on the subject. This information is in relation to the historical nature of the site. The East Glynneath Residents Group have also received this information directly from NPTCBC but have not published this for anyone to see. ? Moving forward and aside from NPTCBC, I have also received information directly from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) as to the land in question. The land has had several tests carried out on it and I have a copy of the recent WAC (Waste Acceptance Criteria) Tests which were carried out. NRW are a Welsh Gov Sponsored Body who act as a regulator to protect people and the environment across Wales. I do not support corruption and am here to help, support and assist all residents (where possible) who live within the area that I was elected. At the Planning Meeting in September 2020, myself and others including Glynneath Town Council made sure that further testing of the site was put into the Conditions so that the Developers were bound by these conditions and would need to close them out. Because of the sale of the land in question, this process is still ongoing and has not been resolved as yet. It’s not my place to speak negatively of anyone, I would however say that you attract more bees with honey. Attacking and bullying people who are there to help and support is clearly not going to get anyone anywhere, fast. When this happens, it gets to the point where replies sent are rubbished and the responder feels that there is no point in taking the conversation further. I am happy to go through this information with residents who wish to have a proactive and positive discussion. Please get in touch, I have already one resident who wishes to meet up to review with me and we hope to get together later this week. Thanks |
23/3/2021 | FB Post |
Simon Knoyle - that's fantastic news - well said. So that everybody can see that you are indeed an honest politician and I am not the bully that people make out I am, can we keep the information public please and on facebook. Sometimes in face to face meetings information gets left out and the conclusions reached can sometimes be misinterpreted because people haven't had enough time to make themselves clear. Facebook is a fantastic place where everyone can see what's going on and it places the information into the public domain which keeps things fair and above board. Or if you would prefer it I can put it all on a website that people can refer to it. Thie problems with the site have been going on for over a year now and if I printed everything I have off it would make 10 files and if we did indeed meet it might take me half hour to find a particular piece of info I was looking for. Why don't you create or we'll ask one of the admins on Glynneath News and views t create a post about the Enzo site? |
23/3/2021 | Simon Knoyle - can you identify and be more specific please about the information you mean
when you say in this post, The East Glynneath Residents Group have also received this information directly from NPTCBC but have not published this for anyone to see. ? |
Marie Casey to Simon Knoyle - My Son , daughter in law and baby Granddaughter moved in just below the site at number 2 Brynhyfryd. In December. |
Simon Knoyle to Marie Casey - Good morning Marie, let me know when you are available and I can run through the information I have with you. Thanks |
Dai Richards to Marie Casey - You would be best advised to tape the conversation you have with Simon Knoyle and schedule a meeting with me sometime after that. When you play that tape to me, I'll identify the points of concern for you. (To you and me a point of concern is commonly known as bullshit) He wants a face to face meeting so that the information he provides you with is not recorded or released into the public domain for others to analyse. |
Dai Richards to Simon Knoyle - What type of chromium Is it? |
Marie Casey to Simon Knoyle - I don’t think we need a private meeting to be honest . I just need answers to my few questions . Thank you . |
Simon Knoyle to Marie Casey - Hi Marie, your question to me asks - “so the site was proved to be contaminated with Chromium?” Answer - No, from the information I have received, I dont think that the site has been proven to be contaminated with Chromium. Thanks |
Marie Casey to Simon Knoyle - thanks for replying. So to your knowledge or any information you have to date. Is there any other known contamination of any description other than Chromium on the Enzo site at Heol y Glyn Glynneath? Thank you. |
On 18 March 2020, you were provided by email the following information in relation to the Terra Firma chemical testing report supplied by Enzo: LAND CONTAMINATION - the land contamination testing has only been done to 0.5 metres in most places, it is an extremely shoddy attempt at testing for poisons etc. We know that Cuddy was dumping in the middle of the night and digging holes, dumping to at least 4 meteres and covering up the material dumped, both actions raise alarm bells. No-one knows what is under the top layer soil. Two of my children are chemists and they believe more specific testing should be done. (Name withheld) is the chief editor of a chemistry journal (link to profile withheld) and (name withheld) who is looking into [the testing] at present is just finishing his PhD in chemistry. The following information formed part of his objection to the development. "Having looked at the data for the chemical testing submitted, I can see that this was in no way a thorough investigation as it is incomplete and superficial. First looking at the depths at which chemical testing took place this was only at a depth of 50 cm and only tested deeper once at 1 meter and twice at 2 meters, which I’m sure you can agree is not a large enough sample for those depths. This is important as the land has previously been confirmed as contaminated with high levels of zinc, arsenic and be benzo[a]pyrene. I would also like to highlight the chromium testing which distinguishes between CrIII and CrVI is unaccredited and therefore unreliable. This is important as chromium (III) is relatively safe at the levels of chromium described, however, chromium (VI) at this level is extremely dangerous and can cause cancer." Images of the site history and information about the chemical testing.were supplied to you as part of this email. On the 19th March you made the following response to our email: "Hi Dai, I had a chat with our Planning Officer yesterday regarding the development. Briefly - Terra Firma have carried out ground investigation works and soil sampling, I have asked our officer for a copy of the report once it is available. Our Planning Dept are obviously scrutinising the application as normally and correctly as they would for any development. In this current Climate, I cannot tell you what timescales will be used. END OF YOUR COMMUNICATION We are still waiting for a response from you in reference to the type of Chromium found at the site. it should be noted that both you and the planning department have refused to supply information to the East Glynneath Residents Against Contamination group since early April 2020. |
Dai Richards to Simon Knoyle - To summarise the above post you have have known since 18 March 2020 that the site is potentially contaminated with Chromium and have done nothing to investigate this. |
Simon Knoyle to Marie Casey - Good morning Marie, thank you for your question, from the information that I have which in my Job as your Son’s County Cllr, I have sought from the relevant organisations involved in this scheme, there have been at least 3 sets of testing carried out recently. It is worth noting at this stage that both Ward Members and Glynneath Town Council have requested that further and additional deeper testing be carried out on the site, this was included as part of the revised Conditions imposed on the previous owner of the site. It is also worth noting that the site is no longer owned by Enzo Homes and has been purchased by another Developer who I have also spoken with. The test results indicated that the site had a small number of known contaminants which can be remediated, most land across Wales is contaminated but it is the levels of those contaminants which vary. The NPTCBC Contaminated Land Officer has confirmed this. You asked specifically if I am aware of any other known contamination on the site - the reason that I have answered in this fashion is because we have asked for additional and deeper testing to determine if there is any unknown contamination on the site, we were asked by several residents of Glynneath to impose this condition on the Developer to ensure that this is dealt with. Thanks |
Dai Richards to Simon Knoyle - This is the information he's trying to avoid giving you. The land was tested as contaminated 12 years ago with arsenic, zinc and benzo[a]pyrene above the normal level of contaminants. The land should have been tested further then, it wasn't. What he's doing is he's manipulating his reply to avoid giving you this information. It might be easiest to lead with something like But I read somewhere that the land was tested as contaminated 12 years ago with arsenic, zinc and benzo[a]pyrene above the normal level of contaminants. I aslo read that the testing was insufficient and the site should have been tested further but it wasn't. |
Thanks Simon for your time and for your lengthy reply. But all I’m really asking is for ALL land test results for said land. Regardless of how far back they go. From the ones many years ago to the most recent you mentioned. Therefore I can make an informed decision as to whether my family should remain living at Brynhyfryd at present. Regardless of any future testing , my main concern is the here and now. Thank you from a very concerned Mother. |
Simon Knoyle to Marie Casey - that’s ok Marie, I understand completely, because of the comments made and in order that you obtain the necessary information that you are looking for, I would suggest that u write to the Head of Planning and request all of the test information they have. At least that way you will be sure of obtaining the correct, most up to date and factual information. |
Marie Casey to Simon Knoyle - Does that mean you don’t know the answers to my questions? |
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Dai Richards to Simon Knoyle - Simon Knoyle I refer to your treatment here of Marie Casey and her family. I know what you know and you identified this in the beginning of your post. NOTE - nobody noticed this post so the next morning he posted it on his councillors page |
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