77.jpg (513799 bytes)   Clearly the individuals commenting on the original post have either not watched the entire video or are of low intelligence.
And if it’s taken the group over 4 months to respond, clearly there is no urgency behind what they claim to be their main objective and they are purely out to bully individuals. 
The group have no hard evidence which is clear by the terminology used such as “probably” and “almost certainly” . There is also no evidence the document referenced is missing, it just isn’t referred to specifically. 
The group claim the planning dept of NPT Council are ultimately “probably responsible” for the issue however they have just refused for their letter and report to be forwarded to that actual department.
  notes What an absolute contradictory post ��‍♀️ 
Clearly the individuals commenting on the original post have either not watched the entire video or are of low intelligence
And if it’s taken the group over 4 months (3 months and 9 days) to respond, clearly there is no urgency behind what they claim to be their main objective and they are purely out to bully individuals. 
The group have no hard evidence which is clear by the terminology used such as “probably” and “almost certainly” . There is also no evidence the document referenced is missing, it just isn’t referred to specifically. (this comment would suggest she knows more about the report and why it is missing) 
The group claim the planning dept of NPT Council are ultimately “probably responsible” for the issue however they have just refused for their letter and report to be forwarded to that actual department. (the reason for 

Claire Phillips comment on original post
So any answers to where these missing reports are?
PSP an illness I would not wish anyone else to go through!! Such a rare disease affecting only 4000 in the whole of the UK. 2 of them 4000 lived in brynhyfryd?!!

  I posted on the original in GN&V

Dai Richards
This is what the Lady Mayoress of Glynneath Ruth Knoyle has said about the people commenting on this post,

"Clearly the individuals commenting on the original post have either not watched the entire video or are of low intelligence."

See below for her full statement where she also says its taken us over 4 months to respond.
As far as low intelligence goes Lady Mayoress 17/9/2021 less 23/6/2021 when the town clerk responded to the letter accompanying the missing reports is less than 3 months. Before you go suggesting that other people are of low intelligence you should learn to use your abacus correctly.
Ruth Knoyle, Lady Mayoress post.............
"Clearly the individuals commenting on the original post have either not watched the entire video or are of low intelligence.
And if it’s taken the group over 4 months to respond, clearly there is no urgency behind what they claim to be their main objective and they are purely out to bully individuals.
The group have no hard evidence which is clear by the terminology used such as “probably” and “almost certainly” . There is also no evidence the document referenced is missing, it just isn’t referred to specifically.
The group claim the planning dept of NPT Council are ultimately “probably responsible” for the issue however they have just refused for their letter and report to be forwarded to that actual department."
......... and Lady Mayoress, please don't forget to let Simon know we are waiting for the repsonse to this video/letter communication. The reason we have no hard evidence is because your husband and Del Morgan and the planning department are blocking us from receiving it. The hard evidence we have though is that the Glynneath Town Council are a corrupt organisation who are covering up the potential Corporate Manslaughter of Glynneath Residents.

  Claire Phillips (daughter of PSP death)  comment on Ruth Knoyle's post

�� low intelligence?? Perhaps she needs to read up on the severe heartbreaking disease that PSP is and if it is from contamination from the land fill let's hope nothing like this happens to a loved one of a family member as my dad went through hell . try losing how to talk ,walk, swallow, living with a full mind & a body closing down..!! And isn't calling someone of 'low intelligence' demoralising? Never knock someone who tries!!
IT'S NICE TO BE IMPORTANT BUT IT'S MORE IMPORTANT TO BE NICE !!!! heres my number if you want to explain to me what your suggestion means of 'low intelligence' then I'll happily speak to you about why I would like to know the results of the tests made on the contamination. As on behalf of my family we would like the answers!!!!

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Nick Thomas


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This is getting embarrassing now Dai, you are clearly an intelligent person but that intelligence is totally distorted by wishful thinking, dishonesty and a desire to belittle others. The range of councillors you are attacking is widening as your assertions become ever more detached from reality. Whether you agree with any particular point of view or not, you should be able to see that Town councillors give a good deal of their free time in the cause of improving Glynneath for us all, yet you think it’s a great laugh to sneak around and film the houses of councillors in the early morning or include video of councillors at meetings in your deranged videos without the permission of the council or the individual.
I have a nodding acquaintance with most of the Town councillors and to the best of my knowledge none of them are epidemiologists, I would never be tempted to lecture anyone on epidemiology because I am not an epidemiologist. You are not an epidemiologist and you underline that fact with every sentence you utter on the subject. You are to epidemiology what a toothyologist is to dentistry.
You give every outward impression of believing that there is an ongoing medical emergency killing and potentially killing the people of Glynneath. If that is what you truly believe then why on earth are you attacking Glynneath Town Council? The Town council is not a public health body; the relevant public health body is ‘Public Health Wales.’ Why haven’t you taken your ‘concerns’ to them? If you have, what did they say?
Hijacking the loss of grieving families in order to make nonsensical allegations against innocent people is obviously sickening to anyone with a normal sense of fair play. Accusing good people of ‘possibly murder’ is ridiculous and, by the way, is not ‘a thing’ in law.
I know that nothing I say will make any difference to you Dai and I had hoped never to address you publicly again, but I have in the hope that someone close to you will be honest with you and help you to see that you are damaging no-ones reputation but your own. You owe a lot of people an apology Dai.


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