


    Dear Glynneath Town Clerk, Public Audit Wales and Glynneath Rugby Club Chairman,

The attached letter and linked video uploaded to YouTube reaches the following conclusion. 

Ceri Morris (Head of Planning and Public Protection at NPTC) is continuing to, and has potentially murdered Glynneath residents to support the corrupt activities of the Neath-Port Talbot Council
Planning Department


It was submitted to the following NPTC public officials by hand delivery to either their home or work addresses for comment or investigation. 

Mr Ceri Morris - Head of Planning Department
Mr Craig Griffiths - Head of Legal Services
Councillor Suzanne Paddison - Chair, Planning Committee 
Del Morgan - Glynneath Town & NPTC Councillor
Simon Knoyle - Glynneath Town & NPTC Councillor
Steve Ball - Planning Officer

To date no response form any party has been received and this was the third communication that offered NPTC the opportunity to provide counter evidence to information provided that shows deliberate misconduct by a head of service at NPTC. We have copied Glynneath Town Council & the Glynneath Rugby Club Chairman Morgan Francis to this email, these 

South Wales Police incident 2100132983

regards - Dai Richards - www.dai-richards.wales