













P2020/0195 Planning Committee meeting

8 September 2020


@ 42.22
AWL = Arwyn Woolcock  -  COD = Council of Death document  -  CLM = Councillor Mizen  -  CPC = Suzanne Paddison Chair  -  CWP = Chris Williams, Plaid  -  DMP = Del MOrgan, Plaid  -  DPR = Dai Richards  -  GLP = Geraint John, Planning  -  SKI = Simon Knoyle, Independant  -  PCO = Planning Committee  -  PDE -= Planning Department  -  TDD = Terry Davies Drainage


WAW / HEOL Y GLYN / Videos / 01-meeting-basic / 20200908A-VI-pcom-3-enzo 

(filmed from the Council YouTube Channel - )

add 50.40 for the YouTube video to the times below when looking at the on-line version


0.00 CPC open meeting - CWP in foreground

00.24 marked for approval

00.36 literature (COD doc)

0.50 SBP Ref COD


1.27 CPC asks SBP how he knew the COD was from me.
1.35 SBP says by email and that all of the matters were included in doc "everything within the submissions"

2.22 CWP good image

2.17 CPC carry on
2.18 SBP presentation
2.25 CPC COD to be taken into consideration
2.33 SBP presentation

7.52 - all of their concerns have been summarised

8.10 Jeremy Miles 

8.18 local councillors DMP SKI - extensive on-going discussions with the ward members 

8.40 support for residential - acceptance of the extant planning permission

10.20 stock pile brought on necessary for the approval (last approval 2010) link with photo of tip 2015  

11.15 - material brought off the site.


17.20 culverting the stream - normally wouldn't do this

17.50 contam land - amendment sheet - steve hunt - mentions me - then mo - amendment response through mo - no objections on contam (from where) 

19.05- conditions

19.50 concerns and what has been brought onto the site

20.10 - no evidence

20.25 - conditions again

20.50 - not heavily contaiminated - quite to the contrary - 

that should be drawing red flags 

21.10 human health - no objections - pollution control officer

no reasonable grounds to object re land contam

no open spaces - not appropriate

21.59 approve with conditions

22.22 CPC take over - welcome to Ceri Morris, DPR, GJP

DMP cut short - early exit

23.16 DPR  DPR representation -

landfill site - a rubbish tip

24.12 enzo mention & trees

24.25 - COD report - 

24.33 - PCO stamp PDE malpratice

25.14 - document withdrawn

26.00 - 2-8 brynhyfryd

asked again to rubber stamp malpratice

26.33 - cuddy group never intended to build


28.40 CPC open with my comments - personal opinions - come back at the end to me 
29.30 GJP reading off a prepared document

not comment on DPR integrity because integrity is not a planning matter

31.46 - further conditions to be imposed

32.30 - not at risk of flooding

33.05 - land contamination - extensive & thorough reports have taken place at the site historically. These can be relied upon, but not withstanding that, have been further updated and reassessed in considerable detail. 

The site has an extant planning permission which resulted in a significant volume of fill material being imported with changed site levels, this material however will be removed from the site. Extensive dialogue has taken place between the applicants advisors and the contaminated land officers and this matter can be adequately dealt with and mitigated 

34.03 CPC hand over to Del
34.32 DMP submission
38.07 CPC hand over to SBP does he want to make any comment
38.23 SBP come back later - trees TPO prior to any planning approval being given
42.22 CPC hand over to SKI


42.40 SKI extensive discussions over the last 12-18 months

concern over potential tipping of chemical waste

3.45 - additional ground surveys done to unserstand what is at the site

44.00 - talk to Enzo on site and phone

45.50 surveys since 2010

46.53 CPC hand over to Bamsey
47.20 Bamsey support members & in particular possible contamination
47.56 CPC complete chemical survey in conditions, hand over to MMC
48.24 SKH butts in and thanks DMP & SKI, plus SBP & CMP for his pre-questions report and their responses and he wants to ask Mo if the conditions are robust enough to alleviate the concerns of the people living there from flooding.

Contamination - he's not going to judge anybody - previous developers - he thinks it very important that we understand - Mo wouldn't have the answers. We do need to know exactly - not just for the residents but for the environment.

We have all been told the environment is so important so anything that is on that site we really need to be made aware of so we as members know what to do today when we vote.

51.05 CPC apologies to SKH
51.23 MMC 52.00 - full history of the site

52-38 fully characterise the site recommended for human health that councillor SKH has mentioned

53.36 CPC hand over to 
53.50 SKH his concern is that the Cuddy Group fill was not monitored.

We really do not understand what might be on the site.

Happy if DMP & SKI - bumbling

54.48 CPC hand over
54.56 SKI  
54.57 CPC summuarising MMC - Mo needs to be satisfied before building work could commence
55.26 MMC confirming CPC summary
55.32 SKI NPT close off all of the issues and concerns - ne being ground contaminants

56.05 - plateau cut and filled - excavated and spread - and then test - if ground has carcinogenics 

56.40 CPC hand over
56.55 DMP testing at all levels

57.05 - pleased to see current plan proposes to take away the bulk of the spoil heap which is a new thing for years we've expected that mountain to remain there which is crazy

57.38 CPC hand over - SBP SPL AWL waiting to speak - Tammie Davies excahnge & Bamsey come back - 
58.20 Bamsey Condition 39 - cxoncerned about the workers - struggling to find a condition - testing prior to work
59.16 CPC hand over
59.20 SPB Cond 36 - and the conditions - MMC needs the full picture - HAPPY
61.04 Bamsey happy
61.06 CPC explain Cond 39
61.15 SBP taken off site - licence - NRW misrep - Enzo shared info - not a matter for planning to worry about - 
61.59 CPC hand over
62.03 SPL Sean Pursey Labour runs through and explains the conditions - he mentions remediation 
63.50 CPC addresses SKH and hand over
64.33 AWL COD - land contamination - obtained legal advice about the document Council of Death

(filmed from the Council YouTube Channel - - he starts his rep at 1.55.00)

66.57 CPC hand over
67.09 MMC dev issue

whatever material is on site is suitable for use

67.46 CPC MMO  Financial implications - do it to my satisfaction - exchange about remediation
68.20 AWL happy but if low levels are contam then it would make sense to remove it
68.50 CPC clear of contamiants to MMC satisfaction

Enzo won't be able to build unless MMO satisfied

69.30 SBP NRW misrepresentation - inert - allegations - definitely unproven - developer will do the right thing - 
70.49 CPC hand over
70.53 Cllr Mizen mentions MMO DMP & SKI and welcomes their stance
71.30 CPC  
71.54 SKH flooding - musn't make mistake - pipes not adequate enough 

73.16 - CPC hand over

73.20 DMP flooding - extant - surface drainage

CPC hand over

74.05 SBP Terry Davies intro - TAM 15 - mentions SKH - 

CPC hand over

75.15 TDD flooding issues - technical detail of culvert to be decided by Ordinary Water Course procedure. 1 in 100 + 30% event1.17.35 - close to DPR property. Greenfield run off 


78.40 CPC on chat, a discussion between DPR and SBP - CPC mentions me
79.21 SKH asks about SARS

CPC hand over

80.18 TDD reply about SARBS 

CPC hand over

80.37 SKH more flooding
81.23 CPC SARBS not required
81.58 DKL Focus on CPC smiling and saying well said 
82.26 CPC 82.56 - summary

MMO eagle eyed

professional officers - conditions - they will be managed 

85.24 SKI Trees & section 106

CPC hand over

85.45 SBP section 106 & 

CPC discuss (watch again - check notes for this exchange)

SKI good relationship in being able to talk to the developer

87.35 - trees - 

90.05 - SKI running away from screen

90.13 CPC hand over - DMP thank Terry 
90.24 DMP thank for responses - 4 points

test boring - drainage - section 106 back in the 1980s one in place £30,000 - trees

91.17 CPC hand over 

91.25 SKI he's back - trees important to residents - informal discussions with Mr John & Mr Enzo
91.58 SBP trees - retaining trees GJP landscaping plan

CPC hand over

93.45 CPL trees - what burden are they putting on the developer
94.23 SBP trees and Enzo wants to get on site ASAP - GJP remove as much burden as possible

CPC hand over

96.43 SPL trees
97.25 CPC SKH SBP SKH motion amendment to trees or second - CPC & SBP correct wording exchange - Mike Shaw process advice

101.10 SKH sings national anthem

101.55 CPC looking after the residents and the trees
102.44 SKH moves for the approval - DKL seconder

104.40 - SKH approve

104.55 - CWP approve

106.04 - Nicola Lake's contribution















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This video is about public officials and information that is contained in the video can be found in the public domain. This video is about public officials and their actions while working in their role as a public official. Or the video is about a topic that is relevant to the public figures that are featured in this video. It is intended for analysis, criticism of the official and/or a featured subject and also to provide additional links of communication between the public and the relevant public figures. This may be because traditional links have failed, or are not available because of other reasons such as global pandemics, or the refusal of a public official to communicate with a member of the public in line with their public duty. The relevant supporting evidence to this video and other information can be found by following the relevant links on

Published by Rugby Relics Ltd, 66 Brynhyfryd, Glynneath, Neath, SA11 5BA  -



All information that is contained in the video can be found in the public domain. This video is about public officials and their purposeful actions while working in their role as a public official. Or the video is about a topic that is relevant to the public figures that are featured in this video. It is intended for analysis, criticism of the official and/or a featured subject and also to provide additional links of communication between the public and the relevant public figures. This may be because traditional links have failed, or are not available because of other reasons such as global pandemics, or the refusal of a public official to communicate with a member of the public in line with their public duty. The relevant supporting evidence to this video and other information can be found by following the relevant links from the home page on

The video is released on behalf of the East Glynneath Residents Against Contamination. It is prepared by Dai Richards and published by Rugby Relics Ltd, 66 Brynhyfryd, Glynneath, Neath, SA11 5BA  -