

20230224A-WBEM-DRIC-CREE-SKNO-info2 DRIC  CREE  SKNO  JHER An email sent to CREE providing info about SKNO in relation to his deception included in his letter to the local residents about no plans being in place. Includes pointers to SKHU paltering video & SKHU 5 questions to CMOR planning.
pdf = 20230224A-EM-DRIC-CREE-SKNO-info2

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Subject: Information in relation to Councillor Simon Knoyle (sent at 12.59 on 24/4/23) sent CREE & cc'd JHER

Dear Christina

I would refer you to the email received by you from Council Knoyle and would like to provide you further informtion in relation to his character which I would suggest is of an unsavoury nature. The Nolan Principles are an alien concept to him and I would direct you to the following document which we have made publicly available.


The document refers to an email conversation between Councillor Simon Knoyle and the Glynneath Town Councillor Jennifer Herbert (Roberts), who is copied to this email. The following extract is taken from the document which has been submitted to the 3 Plaid Cymru councillors for East Glynneath and has not been actioned by the Glynneath Town Council or discussed by the Glynneath Town Council but instead passed on to the Head of Planning at NPTC Ceri Morris. 

The incident in question refers to a letter delivered by Simon Knoyle in his role as a councillor to approximately 150 homes surrounding the Heol y Glyn site that misrepresents the current situation on the Heol y Glyn site. The current situation with the site is that plans are awaiting approval and 21,000 cubic metres of confirmed toxic waste have been already been give the green light by the Head of Planning Ceri Morris (P2020/0863) to be moved closer to peoples homes that surround the site. 

Jennifer to Simon Knoyle.............

"This is deception Simon, you are deceiving the people who you are representing, you should be ashamed of yourself, after all we went through and all the promises that we made to the people of Glynneath to be honest and fair and truthful, and they don’t deserve this.

The land has been tested and found to be contaminated and the developer has just withdrawn the contamination testing because it can be clearly seen to have been tampered with**. People are living next to this contamination Simon, and people are dying, these are our people, people who trust us.

You can manipulate and deceive the truth with those people Simon, BUT I WILL NOT, I have sworn to support the people of Glynneath, and that’s what I will do, I will support all the people of Glynneath even if it means standing up and fighting on my own."

to which Simon Knoyle replied.
"Firstly, let me make it clear that I do not have to reply to your questions but, am doing so in order that this issue is closed out. This is NOT a GTC Council issue, it is a NPTCBC issue as explained previously."

If we refer to the Ombudsman Wales, Code of Conduct in relation to twin hatted councillors and the planning process which states:

"If you are a member of both a community council and a county council you are not prevented from discussing the same matters at both. You may, for example, take part in a discussion about a planning application about which your Community Council has been consulted"

I have copied Jennifer to this email, she will be able to confirm that while she was a member of Glynneath Town Council at this time and that protocol was not followed by the council in relation to correspondence received by the Glynneath Town Council in relation to the Heol y Glyn site and in particular Simon Knoyle who was Mayor of Glynneath at the time. I attach images which provide evidence of this dated 5/11/2021. This is a different incident but according to Jennifer there was no response from Simon Knoyle to her. 

I trust this information will help you in your enquiries in relation to your dealings with Simon Knoyle. As previously stated, I would be happy to sit down with Christina and Simon Knoyle to discuss the information surrounding this case. I'm sure that Jennifer would be happy to confirm the information submitted in this email is genuine and correct, and I'm sure that she too would welcome the opportunity to sit down with Christina and Simon to discuss this case.

As agreed in the conversation with Ciaran earlier, I await the documemts from the NPTC planning dept so that I may identify for you the methods of deception they are using to maintain a poisonous environment which is potentially killing people as we speak. 

regards - Dai Richards

Chairman, Glynneath Residents Against Contamination

** see question 5 on the page below which Ceri Morris refused to provide an answer to Stephen Karl Hunt

