20230224A-WBEM-DRIC-CREE-SKNO-phw DRIC  CREE SKNO An email sent to CREE that includes the PHWA report stating that the council have not identified the site as toxic. - 
pdf = 20230224A-EM-DRIC-CREE-SKNO-phw


Subject: Knoyle and Public Health Wales misinformation to residents sent by DRIC to CREE at 15.23 on 24/4/23

Dear Christina

Further to your action last Friday and the information you are getting in relation to Simon Knoyle etc, this is your own doing. If you look at what I said in my email.

"Further to this information, I would ask that Christina please make representation on our behalf of our group Glynneath Residents Against Contamination to the Council Leader at NPTC, Stephen Karl Hunt, requesting an official response from the council in relation to a document submitted to 15 NPTC Councillors in September 2020 that identified the council breached the UK Government's 1990 Environmental Act during the planning process at the Heol y Glyn site. To date this document has not been responded to and there is clear evidence that the Head of Planning at NPTC, Ceri Morris has misrepresented this UK Government legislation."

and you said in your reply 

"Christina will write to the leader of the Council, as you have requested, and ask for a response to the documents you sent in September 2020."

I only asked for information about a particular document. The request was one person, one document. 

You didn't listen to me and you copied a load onto the email, and what happened then is that Knoyle jumped straight in to control the information. He then shovelled it out the back door to his his accomplacies Griffiths & Morris legal & planning who have been covering up this corruption since day one.

Knoyle has muddied the waters and now you are going to have to deal with a pile of shit from Ceri Morris which is insignificant because this is time sensitive and people are dying.

The reason I didn't mention Knoyle and I didn't want him copied is because he is the problem and has been the problem all along. Both him and Del Morgan comprise the link between NPTC and GTC. Knoyle is working against the people so that the contamination remains on the site. I will give you an example of this. 

On the attached letter he says that he has met with Public Health Wales. He says this because people are dying living next to the site. Its common knowledge in Glynneath and people want to know what's being done about it. He says that he will let people know once he gets the report. He had the report on 14/4/2022. That's over a year ago. 

This is the report from Public Health Wales. 

Thank you for your recent request dated 16th February 2022. Please see our response provided by our Environmental Public Health Service (their ref A7KR2824). We apologise for the delay in responding to you. Our assessment relied on information that the local authority needed to provide. We understand that the site is not listed on Neath Port Talbot’s (NPT) prioritised sites of potential concern for inspection under their Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy. NPT did not identify any historical use of the land that could have given rise to contamination and have not received any reliable evidence to change their view since. We understand that the site is designated for housing development and that routine contaminated land risk assessments have been requested through the planning process. Such assessments determine whether the site is suitable for residential use and identify any remediation that may be needed. Public Health Wales supports such assessments, and will, if requested by the local authority, provide an independent opinion on them. We are aware that sites like this can cause concerns and that sometimes people ask that health investigations are carried out. We have attached our advice note which explains why such investigations can be really difficult, especially in small areas or over short time periods. 

I will draw you attention to the following comments

"the site is not listed on Neath Port Talbot’s (NPT) prioritised sites of potential concern for inspection under their Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy"

"and that routine contaminated land risk assessments have been requested through the planning process."

This means that NPTC have not told PHW about the contamination on the site which is 9 times above safety guidelines that we know about without the tampering. Quite simply its probably far higher.

He has been working all along with Enzo the developer, and now Shorts to grow his planning consultancy business SAK Consulting


I would suggest that you find ways of fixing this problem. 
