

20230418A-WBEM-GRAC-CREE-reply-ombud GRAC  DRIC    CREE  ENZD A reply to Ciaran that contained an information video ( https://youtu.be/VuaEpeiS_Sk ) uploaded to YouTube to include the compilation of two videos "Safety information" and "Glynneath Contamination Cover Up - Steve Ball Corruption".


Hi Ciaran 

Thanks for the reply, I'm using this email address for this subject matter now. Please can you alter your records to show this. 

I refer to your reply on the 17/4/23 to my email sent on 16/4/23.

I did consider the email you sent in May 2020 but deemed the Ombudsman Wales complaints procedure inappropriate. This was based upon the following information about the Ombudsman Wales complaints process, that was published soon after by Transparency International, in relation to local government planning process corruption.

"If the ombudsman determines that there is strong enough evidence of a breach, it refers the matter either to the local authority’s ethics and standards committee or to the Adjudication Panel for Wales. Ethics and standards committees have the power to censure a member or suspend or partially suspend a member for a period not exceeding six months. The adjudication panel has the power to disqualify councillors from office for up to five years."

This information was accessed from the Ombudsman Wales website in April 2020. 

What this suggests is that the Ombudsman Wales is primarily concerned with governance issues and will refer complaints rather than deal with them. Our concerns are for the criminal actions undertaken in the process that are causing the deaths of residents in our community. These actions include developers, planning agents etc working with corrupt planning officials. There has been a bypassing of council contaminated land protocol by a group of businesses and planning officials that have caused the deaths of Neath constituency residents. I have reported the deaths of residents to the police and they are not interested in investigating crimes made against residents in our street.

I would also suggest that if the planning department at NPTC have used complex methods of deception in an attempt to deceive me then they would do exactly the same with the Ombudsman. Considering that our local NPT councillors are also linked with corruption at the planning department then approaching Ombudsman Wales would only rubber stamp the 'death' of more residents surrounding the 'tip'.

For further information about this case, I have uploaded the following video to YouTube. 


The video identifies the reasons for safety at the site, the safety issues at the site and the corrupt actions of the former Neath Port Talbot Council Development Manager, Steve Ball in relation to the site. It should be noted that Steve Ball, left the council following our identification of the tampering of chemical contamination test results that were submitted to the council.

Further to this information, I would ask that Christina please make representation on our behalf of our group Glynneath Residents Against Contamination to the Council Leader at NPTC, Stephen Karl Hunt, requesting an official response from the council in relation to a document submitted to 15 NPTC Councillors in September 2020 that identified the council breached the UK Government's 1990 Environmental Act during the planning process at the Heol y Glyn site. To date this document has not been responded to and there is clear evidence that the Head of Planning at NPTC, Ceri Morris has misrepresented this UK Government legislation. 

The document can be found at the following web address:


There is also a YouTube video containing the full text and images in the document which can be found here:


regards - Dai Richards, Chairman - Glynneath Residents Against Contamination.

Attached - image of video title xp/56

Links to the YouTube video. https://youtu.be/VuaEpeiS_Sk