

20230420A-WBEM-SKNO-CREE-cod-doc DRIC  CREE SKNO Email from Simon Knoyle to Christina Rees in relation to the council-of-death-report  -  first provided to NPTC on 7/9/2020 in which he is named as refusing to communicate with residents. Part of an email chain - 20230427A-WBEMCH-CREE-GRAC-cod-doc

part of an email chain - 20230427A-WBEMCH-CREE-GRAC-cod-doc

video that includes this communication - 20231230S-WBVI-CREE-SKNO-cod-doc

20230427-VI-CREE-reply (folder) images of text ready for a video about this reply - 


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Email from Simon Knoyle to Christina Rees in relation to the council-of-death-report  -  first provided to NPTC on 7/9/2020 in which he is named as refusing to communicate with residents.

I (and previous Cllr Del Morgan) were subjected to a tidal wave of abuse, bullying, harassment, slander and libel against us which continues to this day.

"Christina - I am more than happy to come and see you and show you all of the email correspondence that I have and copies of all of the social media posts from Mr Richards in relation to this item, let me know when it is convenient for you."


 The following text constitutes the NPTC reply by Simon Knoyle to the above illustrated email from Christina Rees to the Council Leader Stephen Karl Hunt.



From: Cllr. Simon Knoyle
Sent: 20 April 2023 12:24
To: REES, Christina; Leader
Cc: Cllr. Alun Llewelyn (Deputy Leader); Ceri Morris; Nicola Pearce; Craig Griffiths; Karen Jones - CEX
Subject: Re: Glynneath Residents Against Contamination

Good afternoon Christina,

I hope that all is well with you?

I will take the reply to this email if that’s OK?

Alun has to date had very little involvement in the issues with regards this site, Steve has had some and much more since taking over as Leader in June 2022 but the issues go back further to March 2020.

I (and previous Cllr Del Morgan) were subjected to a tidal wave of abuse, bullying, harassment, slander and libel against us which continues to this day.

I have copied in Ceri Morris (Head of Planning), Nicola Pearce (Director), Craig Griffiths (Head of Legal) and Karen Jones (CEX) who will know the history on this also.

There have been many replies to Mr Richards and I have them attached to e-mails but not saved as documents on my iPad where I am today, dealing with the issues raised by him. These replies were requested by Del and I during the last 3 years and it is to my understanding that they deal with the issues raised and close them out from the Council perspective.

Of course the correspondence being referred to by Mr Richards dating back to September 2020 was during a time when Steve was NOT the leader of council.

I would ask therefore that Ceri or Nicola, please can you copy and attach all of the letters sent to Mr Richards from May 2020 onwards which answer his queries, especially in relation to the alleged breach of the Environmental Act 1990.

Please copy all of us into the reply with the documents attached.

Christina - I am more than happy to come and see you and show you all of the email correspondence that I have and copies of all of the social media posts from Mr Richards in relation to this item, let me know when it is convenient for you.

Kind regards


Councillor Simon Knoyle / Y Cynghorydd Simon Knoyle

Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Social Justice / Aelod Cabinet dros Gyllid, Perfformiad a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council / Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot

Tel / Ffon: 07968 386108

Email / Ebost: Cllr.s.a.knoyle@npt.gov.uk




20230427-FOVI-CREE-reply     (folder) images of text ready for a video about this reply.
33.jpg (352007 bytes) xp/33 email image with 'outside of organisation' information. 
35.jpg (382916 bytes) xp/35 main portion of email image to include date & sign off info
54.jpg (499040 bytes) xj/54 cod doc accountability image 
53.jpg (502720 bytes) xj/53 SKNO on cod doc image sequence 1
52.jpg (165390 bytes) xj/52 SKNO on cod doc image sequence 2
97.jpg (293727 bytes) xs/97 SKNO campaign leaflet 2017
20231230-AU09   Audio file of this email - 20230420A-WBEM-SKNO-CREE-cod-doc  
50.jpg (235985 bytes) xj/50 20231230S-WBVI-CREE-SKNO-cod-doc - SKNO reply 1
49.jpg (150632 bytes) xj/49 20231230S-WBVI-CREE-SKNO-cod-doc - SKNO reply 2







council-of-death-report  -  first provided to NPTC on 7/9/2020

part of



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Email from Christina Rees to SKHU about our council-of-death-report  document asking for an official response from the council.

Mr Richards has asked that “Christina please make representation on our behalf of our group Glynneath Residents Against Contamination to the Council Leader at NPTC, Stephen Karl Hunt, requesting an official response from the council in relation to a document submitted to 15 NPTC Councillors in September 2020 that identified the council breached the UK Government's 1990 Environmental Act during the planning process at the Heol y Glyn site. To date this document has not been responded to and there is clear evidence that the Head of Planning at NPTC, Ceri Morris has misrepresented this UK Government legislation.”



20230427A-WBEMCH-CREE-GRAC-cod-doc   part of a chain of emails between Christina Rees MP and NPTC.