



DRIC  CREE SKNO An email to Christina Rees & Simon Knoyle asking Christina Rees to observe while SKNO and I debate about Heol y Glyn. Includes the Alun Roberts incident images and a link to the public question YouTube video.
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Subject: email correspondence  (sent on Monday 24 April 2023 at 17.05)

Dear Christina & Councillor Knoyle

I am copying Christina to observe while we exchange information in relation to the Heol y Glyn landfill site. I note from your email reply that you (Councillor Knoyle) suggest that:

"I (and previous Cllr Del Morgan) were subjected to a tidal wave of abuse, bullying, harassment, slander and libel against us which continues to this day."

If this is the case then I would suggest that Councillors Knoyle and Morgan should take this to the police or through the civil legal system where it belongs. It is his word against mine and if he has evidence of slander & libel then he should take it forward, I am happy to stand by everything I have said. 

I would suggest that his deliberate misrepresentation of a toxic waste dump to the public of Glynneath is of far greater concern to all. 

I would begin the debate with Councillor Knoyle starting here:

Dear Councillor Knoyle:

I will attach a photograph with a video link as additional evidence that you are deliberately misrepresenting the status of the Heol y Glyn landfill site to residents in Glynneath and have acted in a threatening manner towards an elderly resident who is living next the site and has reason to be concerned for his safety

Both you and Del Morgan have refused to communicate with myself and others including this resident who formed a residents group when we have asked relevant questions to you in relation to the site since April 2020.


In September we published a video and posted through your door a hard copy letter in relation to the site together with the relevant images of contamination. Bottom images on the attached image.


You did not answer the relevant question asked of you that identified council protocol that should have been followed. I would ask that you provide through this chain of communication evidence that you have either answered the question or found it to be abusive or otherwise?


Following the publication of the video with information about contamination, you were involved in an incident at the rugby club. 

The top left and top right images are two versions of the same incident

The top left is your version posted on your Councillor Facebook page, the other an independent observer version taken by a serving Glynneath Town Councillor. I am not involved in either image nor am I involved in the incident itself, I have only recorded the information. 

The black image is a testimony by a neutral observer, it shows how you have misrepresented the site to a Glynneath resident living next to it at its most potent location. You say twice that there is no contamination. "Simon said there is no contamination". "it is not contaminated". There is more than one witness to this statement. 

You are in fact lying to the face of a 79 year old man whose wife died of cancer, whose daughter has had cancer and who lives in between two people who have died from a rare neurodegenerative disorder that 1 in 100,000 people die of and can be linked to contamination. You are saying that there is no contamination on the site and when you are told to fuck off you get angry and threaten him. 

You mention Glynneath News and views as supporting, Glynneath Residents Against Contamination, and that we (GRAC) are only 1 person. It should be noted that one of the admins of Glynneath News & Views at the time was the current Council leader Stephen Karl Hunt and I can assure you, he has never sided with us on that group, in fact he once banned and removed me from the group after I posted about your failure to undertake due diligence in relation to the document supplied to NPTC in September 2020. In this instance, you also misrepresent the role of Glynneath News & Views.

The top left image is a "whitewash post" on social media with a view to whipping up a hate campaign against a group of residents who are trying to defend themselves from planning department malpractice and you have misrepresented a site that is full of poison, then you bullied an old man because he dared to challenge your lies.

To summarise Councillor Knoyle, I have asked you.

You did not answer the relevant question asked of you that identified council protocol that should have been followed. I would ask that you provide through this chain of communication evidence that you have either answered the question or found it to be abusive or otherwise?

Would you care to elaborate on the incident with the rugby club member please?

I would also welcome any observations you have about my conduct or other topic in relation to the Heol y Glyn landfill site. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I look forward to your reply and I thank Christina for presenting us with this platform so that we can both present information that can be considered and replied to in the appropriate fashion. 

regards - Dai