

20230425A-WBEM-DRIC-CREE-SKNO-decep DRIC  CREE  SKNO An email sent to CREE that includes information about SKNO intended deception in relation to the timeline. 
pdf = 20230425A-EM-DRIC-CREE-SKNO-decep

07-20200504A-IM-NPTC-steve-ball-flat.jpg (625510 bytes)

Dai Richards to Christina Rees, Simon Knoyle, & me - sent on 25 Apr 2023 at 07:41

Subject: Deception intended March 2020 to May 202

Dear Christina,

I have copied our Glynneath elected representative Simon Knoyle and would refer you to the following element of manipulation in relation to the information within his email to you. You will note that he asked Ceri Morris and Nicola Pearce to provide you with information. If we refer to his statement 

"the issues go back further to March 2020"

and his request to the NPTC planning officials.

"can you copy and attach all of the letters sent to Mr Richards from May 2020 onwards which answer his queries."

You will note that there is a discrepancy in the dates. Councilllor Knoyle intends avoiding the period March and April of 2020 during which the Planning Development Manager for the site Steve Ball used means of deception to avoid providing information, then wrote his own complaints document after we refused to complain that was signed by Ceri Morris. The attached image shows this. 

At the time I then made a complaint to the Head of Legal at NPTC to investigate this. The head of legal should have then taken on this responsibility, however, he passed on the complaint to the former Head of Planning Nicola Pearce, Steve Ball's former boss to investigate who of course supported Steve Ball.

I would suggest that if Simon Knoyle has a genuine reason why the dates are inconsistant with the actual action log, that is

March 2020 and May 2020

then he should provide this information to you.

Being specific with regards to timelines is a method of deception he has used previously in the planning meeting of September 2020. Where he asked a question about contamination on the site from 2010 onwards knowing full well the site was found to be contaminated in 2008 because he had received a document from us identifying this.

I trust this information is of help to you and I trust this email finds you both well.