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Good Councillor's Guide,
page 6
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Good Councillor's Guide,
front cover
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Good Councillor's Guide,
front cover & page 6
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Good Councillor's Guide
page 6 you wil be held accountable paragraph.
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Good Councillor's Guide
page 6 you wil be held accountable paragraph. with
accountability highlighted
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Good Councillor's Guide
page 6 you wil be held accountable paragraph. with
accountability highlighted slide
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Good Councillor's Guide
page 6 councillors working together - your task is to bring
local issues to the attention of the council.
you are councillors working together to serve your community. Your task is to bring
local issues to the attention of the council,
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Good Councillor's Guide
page 6 councillors working together - your task is to bring
local issues to the attention of the council task highlighted.
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Good Councillor's Guide page 6 councillors working together -
your task is to bring local issues to the attention of the
council. slide