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20221101A-EM-audit-report - Email to town clerk about Knoyle corruption incident - Knoyle corruption incident.



GTCO Town Clerk Public Audit Wales Rugby Club

20221103A-WBEM-EGRA-incident-report  - text of an email to GTCO PAWA GRFC providing evidence that SKNO & DMOR received a letter asking for an update on the contamination. Seems to be incomplete with loss to the text that provides the relevance of the email. 20221103A-EM-EGRA-incident-report (pdf) - 






20221101S-WBEM-knoyle-topo-report (text)- A series of emails started by DRIC as a complaint against Simon Knoyle reference Topographical Survey to include the GTCO internal auditor Kerry-Leigh Grabham and the GTCO clerk Ceri Wilcox (includes NPTC planning warning). The final email is from the PAWA office acknowledging receipt of the email. 20221101S-EM-knoyle-topo-report pdf

1/11/22 initial contact 

Kerry-Leigh Grabham

Dai Richards <dairichardswales@gmail.com> 1 November 2022 at 15:07
To: Kerry.grabham@bridgend.gov.uk
Bcc: Dai Richards <dairichardswales@gmail.com>
Apologies for contacting you via your .gov address, I've looked for contact details for your business KLG internal auditors and am unable to find any. I refer to your internal audit of the Glynneath Town Council and note you have identified irregulaties with a particular item of which I have further information that further identifies it as an action by a serving councillor to comit a fraudulent act. I wonder what the reporting protocol is for this for further investigation is by the relevant auditor for GTC, ie yourself ? If you could reply via your company email please that would be great. 
regards - Dai Richards
  Kerry-Leigh Grabham



follow protocol

Kerry-Leigh Grabham <Kerry@klg-services.co.uk> 1 November 2022 at 16:43
To: "dairichardswales@gmail.com" <dairichardswales@gmail.com>
Good afternoon Mr Richards, Thank you for your email.  

The only person who can instruct me to undertake further work is the Town Clerk, therefore could I please ask that you forward all the relevant information to the new Town Clerk Ceri Willcox. 

If you are unhappy to do the above, you can send your concerns to Audit Wales and they will look into the matter on your behalf. 

Kind regards, Kerry


Dai Richards <dairichardswales@gmail.com> 1 November 2022 at 16:51
To: Kerry-Leigh Grabham <Kerry@klg-services.co.uk>
Thank you for your reply - much appreciated. 
1/11/22 xt/24

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Dai Richards <dairichardswales@gmail.com> 1 November 2022 at 18:42

To: clerk@glynneathtowncouncil.gov.uk, Kerry-Leigh Grabham <Kerry@klg-services.co.uk>, info@audit.wales
Dear Mx Wilcox,

I have been in touch with the internal financial auditor (see email chain) and refer to the attached image. I believe this relates to a fraudulent/criminal action by the Glynneath Town Councilllor Simon Knoyle and I would ask that you investigate and/or instruct the internal auditor to investigate this. I refer to our previous communication and the communications of my associates, I note that you refuse to investigate the fact that Glynneath Town Council are covering up the potential murder of Glynneath residents (Corporate Manslaughter) from NPTC planning department malpractice and child abuse within the Welsh Government education curriculum even though I have made this information public.

I've copied Public Audit Wales to this email. It would be nice at some stage to have a government organisation do the job they are paid for. That's a hint to Public Audit Wales to investigate the actions of Glynneath Town Council again. If you watch these YouTube videos of their meetings you'll understand why.



The second video contains the following incident and I would suggest that.

There was no requirement for the topographical survey. The item was generated at a time when there was Council was without a clerk and a group of independent councillors seized control of council administration. Councillor Knoyle is the leader of that faction.

The information for the actual layout of the park required could have been taken off ordnance survey maps.

The main reason given for the topographical survey was to accommodate a football, a rugby pitch and a playground.

Full size football and rugby pitches already existed and there was enough space to move the complete pitches, the same size 10-15 metres away from the Manning development. There was no need to contact the relevant sports bodies for the correct size of pitches because they already existed and were in situ. 

A playground already exists and no plans to purchase any other equipment was in situ. 

Councillor Knoyle is a quantity surveyor who runs his own construction industry consultancy business and is capable of doing the job himself.

I believe Councillor Knoyle intended to do the job himself and to fraudulently claim the money poetntially through the third party mentioned who is clearly linked to his business.

Councillor Knoyle is an experienced county councillor and was aware that 3 quotes should have been needed for the job. He was reminded of this during the meeting but still proceeded to attempt to gain approval for the single quote. 

He deliberately in the relevant meeting used 'play dumb' deception to increase the price of the quote instead or researching this information prior to the meeting. 

Subsequent meetings show that 3 quotes should have been obtained and a discrepancy in the amounts of the quotes received and I believe that you (Mx Wilcox) possibly received a far greater quote from the same company that supposedly originally' quoted £1100. At this point Councillor Knoyle lied to the council about the extent of the survey in relation to his original quote.

In an action of self defence against the endemic corruption in Glynneath Town Council that is potentially murdering my family and those in the surrounding location, I have these incidents recorded if required. 

I trust this email finds you well.  -regards Dai Richards

3/11/22   Clerk Account <clerk@glynneathtowncouncil.gov.uk> 3 November 2022 at 17:20
To: Dai Richards <dairichardswales@gmail.com>
Dear Mr Richards, 

Thank you for your email and your patience in awaiting my reply. I have just picked up this message and taken a cursory look over the contents but will be investigating this further in the morning. I would be happy to cooperate with the WAO and auditors on this matter and thank you for bringing it to my attention with the further resources that you have provided. 

I know that Audit Wales has started looking through some of our paperwork today as I have received a follow-up question but I am afraid I can't say how long it would be for anything more in-depth. As stated though, I would be interested in investigating this further in the coming working days, especially in the name of transparency for all parties concerned. I can say that the topographical survey wasn't undertaken at the time of the first agenda item and that I subsequently sought quotes and guidance in the past few months so this would not show in the previous financial year either as a payment or a source of quotations but that doesn't mean that the method should and is still rightly, through our internal and external auditors, questioned and scrutinised. 

Thank you again and I will take a closer look at this item and seek some further guidance in the coming days. 

All the best, Ceri  -  Ceri Willcox (Mx)  -  Clerc y Cyngor / Clerk to the Council 

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Dear Mx Wilcox, 

Thanks for your reply. I refer to my public question and your reply which suggested that you pass on the information to NPTC Planning.
I would politely request that you read the attached letter and view the linked public viewing video uploaded to YouTube in July 2021 


 with 250+ views reaches the following conclusion........

"Ceri Morris (Head of Planning and Public Protection at NPTC) is continuing to, and has potentially murdered Glynneath residents to support the corrupt activities of the Neath-Port Talbot Council Planning Department."

The Head of Planning is blatantly covering up malpractice and corruption at NPTC that is almost certainly causing the death of Glynneath residents.

The following link is to 5 questions asked by the Council Leader of the same Ceri Morris subsequent to this video. They are on-line in the public domain.


Ceri Morris refused to answer questions relating to contaminated land to the Chair of the relevant scrutiny committee. I would suggest that you investigate this fully or pass on the WAO. The NPTC planning department are out of control and have been supported by Del Morgan and Simon Knoyle who refuse point blank to support the residents surrounding the site. 

regards - Dai Richards



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Wales Audit Office <info@audit.wales> 7 November 2022 at 10:23
To: Dai Richards <dairichardswales@gmail.com>
Dear Mr Richards

Thank you for your recent email dated 1 November 2022.

Your email has been passed onto the relevant audit team for consideration.

The email you sent contains personal information about you - for example, your name and address. We will process your personal data in accordance with data protection laws applicable in the UK. Our full privacy notice is available on our website at: http://www.audit.wales

Kind regards

Nicola Thompson (hi | she/her)

Swyddog Data Cynllunio ac Adrodd || Planning and Reporting Data Officer

Ffôn || Phone: 029 2032 0500

E-bost || Email: post@archwilio.cymru / info@audit.wales

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