


21 April 2023 

- GRAC meeting at Town Hill with police - whole meeting video


edited - key information


20230421-VS01-meet-complete    this video is ready - there are just a couple of additions such as search images for linked videos to add
20230421-VS02-101-vid-clip-1   Talking about reporting a crime - the issues etc, destruction of information and ending in 101
20230421-VS03-101-vid-clip-2   She says she can come back to me and tell me what has happened and we can have a discussion direct.
20230421-VS03-101-vid-clip-3 + arrow LSWE takes a card off me and Jen's number and puts it in her high viz vest




    When we arrived, there were 4 policemen, Cllr Knoyle and 1 resident discussing a car parking issue in relation to Addoldy Rd. 


  2.25 DRIC ...and what's gone on up there is certainly almost certainly killing people and its not getting dealt with, we have evidence, OK, that we would like to give to you, OK, that shows, incorrect protocol, not protocol, but deliberate, 

2.52 JHER hiding of information, 

DRIC yes, destruction of information, OK, alright, can we sit down on a table and do this?

20230421-VE02-intro-101   We have evidence


  3.40 But you are standing there with sheets of paper.

This documentation that explains to you..... what the exact problem is and then you can take it on and investigate it. 

LSWE - But I' can't because I'm a neighbourhood police inspector dealing with community issues. I'm not going to deal with something.........you are telling me......... You say its a community issue

DRIC - So what you are saying is, what you are saying is that people dying is not a community issue. Is that what you are saying. 

No I'm not saying that, but what you need to provide is information about that (?)

  04.45 LSWE - "I am not going to take it away tonight because there's places where you record it, and 101 is that place."

DRIC - 101 is a phone call, OK

LSWE - yes, buts it where you record it

No, we've been through 101 and 101 is not recording it.

 So I can come back to you tell you where that has gone, who's looked at it, who's investigated it, because if you are telling me that you have reported it three times, then you must have had some contact from an officer

MJON - Crime reference or an occurrence number.

JHER - Like ..............

LSWE You would have:

JHER - Like you said yourself, just now 3 years you've been aware of it.

LSWE No I haven't been aware ???

DRIC - You've been made aware of it


JHER - Like you said yourself, just now 3 years you've been aware of it.

LSWE No I haven't been aware ???

DRIC - You've been made aware of it.

LSWE - I've been aware of something but I haven't been made aware through the police, its obviously through contact through Councillor Knoyle.

5.00 - JHER - I'm an ex-councillor and I'm telling you now that this report came to the table, it came in front of the council and it was destroyed.


LSWE but that's ????

DRIC - What you are saying is that you only take information from Councillor Knoyle

LSWE No, I haven't said that I've only taken information, its only come to my attention through Simon. 



TC 6.20 occurrence numbers 

LSWE yes - we can have a discussion direct

  15.50 I've defined the crime 

LSWE What investigation have SWPO undertaken to 

it is a violent crime and its not being investigated

a series of incidents 


MJON - interupting and animated (what is the purpose) - I am explaining info to LSWE and he butts in 


  17.30 car brakes motorway analogy
  18.10 MJON - butts in again - not so clear cut
  18.30 PSP report - Jen in meeting
  18.45 LSWE - what evidence
  18.57 you have to prove that the death - that you haven't got at this time. 
  19.35 LSWE - its a complaints process through the council
  19.45 MJON - 
20230421-VE01-barrel-waste 20.30 DRIC - you need to investigate the fact that people are dying of rare neurodegenerative disorders.


  20.44 Jen - if there was a barrel of toxic waste over there - 

why are they not calling in Health and Safety?

TC 21.40 we are trying to give her proof that the deaths are almost certainly linked to contamination and we've offered to sit her down and give her evidence that t
  21.55 MJON - do you want us to test for fingerprints
TC  23.50 LSWE - that's what we are doing - we are standing here and allowing you
  24.05 Letter that shows evidence that people have destroyed documents, Glynneath Town Councillors have destroyed documents that provides evidence that people are almost certainly dying of poison. Do you think that's something that might be investigated

Jen butts in - 

  25.50 DRIC - If I give you information, OK - can you get back to me

LSWE - If you give me the occurrence numbers, I'll give you contact details, obviously I'm not...

Give me the contact details of yourself and Mr Richatrds and I will get in contact with you over the next couple of weeks. 

I can't give you a specific number because its through 101

JHER - how will we contact you

LSWE When I contact you, I will give you details

  27.18 LSWE What I said is ..........

LSWE If you give me your contact details 

at which point it can be seen that I am giving her my card and she puts it in her left had pocket of of hi viz jacket