Heol Y Glyn Residential Development - UPDATE.

Hi all,

There is a lot of “mis-information” going around regarding the above, I have been asked by a few people what is the current situation?

RE: Planning Consultation Reference P2021/0546

This is a current Planning Application Submitted, it has been submitted by the Agents representing Enzo Homes, so we have been told, this was a condition of the sale of the land to the new owners.

The application relates to Conditions (see attached for a full list) from the previous application, it is with officers for them to produce the report based on the conditions and make recommendations.

Both local ward members have requested further details of the application to be provided to us ASAP.

Personally I have made my representations to officers known, that further testing of the soil at greater depths is required before any further development is allowed to commence.

This is no different to what I wanted when the previous application came to the Planning Committee in Sept/Oct 2020.

I do not wish to speak on behalf of Del but both he, I and Glynneath Town Council formally wrote to the Planning Department stating our concerns and requests in Sept / Oct last year.

I support Development within Glynneath especially new housing BUT in this particular regards, additional and deeper testing of the soil MUST be undertaken before any development commence on this site, this is exactly the same stance that I took in the lead up to the previous Planning Application for this Development.

Please get in contact if you require further information about this, thanks
DR to JH on PM    I'm still working it all out and am almost there but I've been analysing Knoyle for 18 months now so I know what to look for. You are more than intelligent and capable enough to understand all of this. Its easy enough if you can identify the indicators. Things that are not quite right. You've done exactly this with your post on the Unbiased group. The first thing someone should ask Knoyle on his page. (I can't because I'm blocked) is. What mis-information is he talking about,? or Does this post related to the video posted on Glynneath News and Views by the Glynneath Residents Against Contamination.







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