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Knoyle's FB page containing post

98.jpg (142571 bytes) xt/98 Following on from my recent post and realising that someone is feeding my posts back to the person causing me a few issues, in relation to the situation of the Residential Development off Heol y Glyn, Glynneath.
Let me be perfectly clear that ‘Knoyle is NOT shitting himself’!!!!
In terms of my role as a County Cllr, I am extremely confident that I have taken on board all of the information provided to me in various forms and sought proper and formal responses in relation to them from all agencies.
If anyone would like to discuss any of this with me, happy to do so.
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Source of the information was a private message sent to the council leader Stephen Karl Hunt in relation to his previous post. Both Knoyle (Cabinet Minister for Social Justice) and Hunt (Council Leader are covering up exposed contamination on a proposed housing development that may have a serious effect to the residents in the area. 

97.jpg (208013 bytes) xt/97 Virginia Adams  -  I don’t know what’s going Simon.
What I do know however. Is . That you are an honest
committed hard working council member.
It only takes one person ……….to stir a pot!
Just remember!
You are good .
You are smart .
You are kind.
Whoever is stirring the
Pot however. Has none of those qualities.
96.jpg (155899 bytes) xt/96 Laurel Mander - Well said mr Knoyle

Wayne Paul Davies - image

Andrea Francis - Good god not this again! Some people need to get a life! Keep up the good work Simon Knoyle x

Nicola Davies -I’d go to the police about stalking ,it’s pretty obvious he’s obsessed with you lol x
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Rita Evans - Just keep up the good work you continually do for our town.

Angela Thomas - Just ignore the people you're the best thing to happen to Glynneath in a very long time xx

Lyn Evans - Shows how two faced some people are
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Janet Collins - Simon, you work hard for the community and many people are very grateful for your contribution.
There are a small number of people in the community who should put their energy into better use. Rather than attempting to bully and target you with harassment, they should try and work with the system if they aren't happy with an outcome. The only response you get from certain people when they are challenged about their behaviour is a Facebook stalk, name calling, bullying, and an offer of a bike race... ��
93.jpg (143196 bytes) xt/93 Chris Edwards - Simon Knoyle Just pass it to the police for harassment under the malicious communications act 1988.

David Morgan - Good hiding they want!

Ruth Knoyle like

92.jpg (147505 bytes) xt/92 Malcolm Scott - Simon keep your head up, you are doing a great job for Glynneath.

Hayley Godsall Davies - Hold your head up high your definitely the better person. And I certainly know how committed you are and how much hard work you put in behind the scenes. Your doing a fab Job.
91.jpg (64981 bytes) xt/91 Glyn Williams - i take it it's that lunatic on a push bike

Ruth Knoyle - Glyn Williams idiot!
90.jpg (256040 bytes) xt/90 Sarah Price - I would like to say how much your work in Glynneath is appreciated its a pity there are not more with your dedication

Nick Thomas - Take no notice at all Simon! If this guy I’d talking you can take it he’s wrong. Keep going as you are and slap a restraining order on him if he persists! ����

David Jones - Well said Simon some people don’t know what they are talking about


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