

KPOI = Kim Pointer (friend) - JPRI = Joshua Price 

ACTION AVENUES - 20230228S-WB-hunt-rowlands-link

20230406S-DO-SKHU-statement - 1


SKHU GNAV DRIC statement of SKHU document about Chloe Rowlands
  potential avenues on completion of the report council tax non-payment - provide info

link to child abuse info already lodged with the council

  private message SKHU on JHER group offer him the opportunity to explain
  Launch info on GN&V ask him the question why publicly
  HDAV (Hayley Davies) is a GN&V member target HDAV with this info
  report 101 & record  
  upload to DS Peach page and notify 101 of page update add to DS Peach pages and provide 101 with the links to the published pages
  Open letter to Police Commissioner and Chief Constable Open public letter to police to tie in with Misconduct info already reported
  book publish a book with the three submitted documents along with the methods of avoidance and the final document in draft form. 

Send to all the councillors



90.jpg (272652 bytes) xr/90


RED FLAG - GN&V activity log to include last activity by JSED (Jon Sedgmore)

 removal of CROW (Chloe Rowlands) by SKHU and 

unarchiving by DRIC

PURPOSE - It is impossible for CROW to create a post or to cause any problems on the page because the page is archived and therefore no activity can take place. 

What is the purpose of the Council Leader un-archiving the page, banning and removing someone who hasn't done anything wrong on the page. It must therefore be to hide information or prevent the member from posting or commenting in the group.

What is the purpose of hiding information or preventing someone from speaking?

He or someone he is protecting must have done something wrong and he doesn't want people to see this.

89.jpg (399825 bytes) xr/89 If we look at the FB page of the removed girl we will see that on 9 November 2020 she makes a FB post about an unplanned pregnancy including the child's date of birth 22/4/2020
85.jpg (251034 bytes) xr/85 Father's name not included on the birth certificate
85.jpg (251034 bytes) xr/85  On 15/9/22 the girl posted a change of name deed from Hunter John Paul Price to Hunter John Peter Rowlands. 

the changes in names are Paul Price to Peter Rowlands

What I think is that CROW looks like she might have been in a relationship with two people at the same time and she didn't know who was the father of the baby. She had one open relationship with a boyfriend (probably Joshua Price)  and one clandestine with (SKHU). She has had a DNA test done and the regular boyfriend has found out the the child is not his so he has disowned the baby as his and has walked away from the relationship and disowned the baby. Because she had included both potential fathers in the name Hunt(er) and Paul an/or Price she didn't know who the father was until the results of the DNA test came back. The fact that Price is the surname of the baby at birth would also suggest another partner of this name, otherwise she would have named the baby Rowlands at birth. She is in this instance removing the boyfriends name and replacing it with her own surname. 

88.jpg (376977 bytes) xr/88 Her referenece to DNA in her post of 26/1/23 and her new boyfriend supports the theory that a regular boyfriend walked away because the child was not his.. 

CROW FB post about fatherhood not requiring DNA - bigging up Ethan-Joshua Thomas

86.jpg (160131 bytes) xr/86 conflicting info - placement of info gone wrong ?

15/9/22 - CROW is changing the child's name. She wants to ask question about this and she doesn't want t to be known so she asks KPOI to 'chuck here a message' so that KPOI can ask the question for her. KPOI asks the question and gets an answer from a third party.

67.jpg (122912 bytes) xr/67 I believe it possible that the result of a DNA test was received in August 2022 and CROW contacted SKHU through GN&V which is why SKHU unarchived the group and removed CROW to attempt to cover up his tracks. He then also disowns the baby which leaves her baby fatherless. 

SKHU removes CROW from the group on 18/8/2022 - info & photos - 20230228S-WB-hunt-rowlands-link

84.jpg (451012 bytes) xr/84 She is on the edge and wants to tell people which is why on the 9/9/2022 CROW posts:

 After the absolute shit you have said about me and the lies you have spread and what you have put me through over the last 7 years I still hold that darkest secret about you which could ruin your whole life yet I still keep my mouth shut only a matter of time before you push me so far and it will all come out. It is a massive weight on my shoulders which still weighs me down and still to do this day it drags me down but not anymore.

84-text-name-redacted.jpg (113232 bytes) xr/84-text-only-


67.jpg (122912 bytes)   If we take the following information

last 7 years

I hold the darkest secret about you which could ruin your whole life

This would suggest that the person to whom she refers had been grooming or in a relationship with CROW since she was aged around 13.

00ar.jpg (410907 bytes) xp/00ar It is a common factor in history that royal bastards were called Fitzroy - Notable royal bastards include Robert, Earl of Gloucester, son of King Henry I of England, Henry FitzRoy, son of King Henry VIII of England, and the Duke of Monmouth, son of Charles II. The Anglo-Norman surname Fitzroy means son of a king and was used by various illegitimate royal offspring.

In the year 2020, 1 in 386 baby boys were called Hunter - source www.datayze.com

The is a 0.0025% chance that the baby's name was chosen naturally






83.jpg (236560 bytes) xr/83 RED FLAG - 20230228A-WB-paedo-arrest 

Paul Lennox photo & info with REMANDED overprint

A dangerous individual not only highly grooming children, but has a history of domestic violence.
Also threatened the Hunters with a knife when they went to his door so armed police turned up.

92.jpg (94708 bytes) xr/92 RED FLAG - Glynneath chat welcome Paul Lennox



00y.jpg (268744 bytes) xq/00y 13 Sep 2022

Everyone says "a child needs their dad". But no it's not that easily put. A child needs a SAFE dad, a PROVIDING dad, a CONSISTENT dad. A dad that understands his children are more important than anything else in his life. It is also important for a mother to protect her child from any harm or toxic people and that includes parents and family members. Shame on anyone that puts a child's safety and well being aside for their own personal feel good moments.

00x.jpg (183019 bytes) xq/00x 12 Sep 

"If standing up for your children burns a bridge, I have matches, we ride at dawn"

00w.jpg (206289 bytes) xq/00w 12 Sep 2022 

I don't care anymore cause when I did I actually got hurt 

00v.jpg (339372 bytes) xq/00v 11 Sep 2022

Ain't nothing like getting back to yourself after going through some deep sh!t

00u.jpg (263098 bytes) xq/00u 11 Sep 2022

When I'm done I'll leave in silence I only fight when  I care

00t.jpg (192247 bytes) xq/00t 11 Sep 2022

When I shut my mouth and walk away, It does not mean you have won. It simply means you are not worth my time anymore

00s.jpg (353148 bytes) xq/00s 9 Sep 2022

At times I get disappointed in myself because I know I'm better than some of the choices I made and the tings I chose to deal with.

00r.jpg (172879 bytes) xq/00r An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming
00q.jpg (55109 bytes) xq/00q i think my �� is that, i never know how to talk about my feelings. i talk to myself in my head a lot about how i feel & i explain it so well, but getting it to actually come out my m0uth is so hard.
00p.jpg (29153 bytes) xq/00p Its just me and my baby, that's who its going to be always.
00o.jpg (96175 bytes) xq/00o This chapter is called Happiness - I'm doing whatever makes me happy
00n.jpg (32279 bytes) xq/00n This year I met the most broken version of me, but also the strongest.
00m.jpg (99963 bytes) xq/00m no MATTER how SHE'S feeling SHE still has to get up & be a MOMMY ��‍��‍�
00l.jpg (144277 bytes) xq/00l 5 Sep 2022 - I will success in life - not immediately but definitely
00k.jpg (144363 bytes) xq/00k 5 Sep 2022 - One day I'm healing.. next day I'm breaking again. Both days I'm not giving up though. 
00j.jpg (160025 bytes) xq/00j 4 Sep 2022 - Couldn’t thank Kirsty enough for the past few weeks of what I’ve been through just been 1 thing after another ❤️ family don’t need to be blood more like my sister
00i.jpg (192273 bytes) xq/00i 2 Sep 2022 - When I watch my baby I wonder what I did right to become this amazing little human's mom. No what what struggles I went through, my child will always be the one thing I created perfectly.
00h.jpg (41831 bytes) xq/00h 1 Sep 2022 - so in love with the child i created ������i swear nobody can take that away from me
00g.jpg (86294 bytes) xq/00g 30 Aug 2022 - I just want my kids to be able to look back & be proud to have me as their Mom.
00f.jpg (179681 bytes) xq/00f 30 Aug 2022 - Me at 3 am wondering if I’m good enough as a mom❤️
00e.jpg (119948 bytes) xq/00e 30 Aug 2022 - 3 things MY CHILD will be able to say:

-Mommy was there 100
-Mommy made it happen
-Mommy NEVER left

00d.jpg (116414 bytes) xq/00d 30 Aug 2022 - I will always do the right thing for my child if you can’t provide the basic essentials then unfortunately you can’t look after your child I have done the right thing for my son. Said what I said ��

2 things I will never be: An unfit mother and a bitter baby mama
00c.jpg (111352 bytes) xq/00c Barney's fault
00b.jpg (140384 bytes) xq/00b 28 Aug 2022 - There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't even jump puddles for you.
00az.jpg (175247 bytes)
26 Aug 2022 - If this aint me at the moment then I dint know what is ��

"Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once"

Sometimes when it rains, it pours. We all have bad days. Without bad days we wouldn't be so grateful for the good days. Behind every dark cloud theres a sun shining bright. You just have to hang in there, the sun will shine sooner or later. 

00ay.jpg (200792 bytes) xq/00ay 23 Aug 2022 - The hardest prison to escape is your own mind.
00ax.jpg (139872 bytes) xq/00ax 22 Aug 2022 - "Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once"
00aw.jpg (201504 bytes) xq/00aw 19 Aug 2022 - No one notice your tears

No one notice your pain,

But the always notice your mistakes

00av.jpg (165935 bytes) xq/00av Autism poem
00au.jpg (144581 bytes) xq/00au 5 Aug - 

3 Aug - posts missing - content not available - comments suggest she is going through a tough time.

Ian Boucker - U got this girl x

Chloe Rowlands - Ian Boucker always will have the strength x 

00at.jpg (135488 bytes) xq/00at 2 Aug - Sometimes you face difficulties not because you're doing something wrong, but because you are doing something right.
00as.jpg (117713 bytes) xq/00a 12 May 2022 - Moving house for a fresh start

Fed up of today already trying to live in a house plus sorting it and packing to move is so stressful this is the last time I’m moving I swear ����‍��

Tracey Davies
Why you moving xx

Chloe Rowlands
Tracey Davies fresh start x


Joshua Price - https://www.facebook.com/joshua.price.39108

43.jpg (218767 bytes) xo/43 20230228S-WB-hunt-rowlands-link - Joshua Price - Chloe Rowlands link - source https://www.facebook.com/joshua.price.39108
42.jpg (68410 bytes) xo/42 20230228S-WB-hunt-rowlands-link - source https://www.facebook.com/joshua.price.39108
41.jpg (238467 bytes) xo/41 20230228S-WB-hunt-rowlands-link - JPRI & CROW clearly in a relationship - source https://www.facebook.com/joshua.price.39108
    LGAL is friends with what may look like his sister - https://www.facebook.com/StaceyPrice123
Is he still alive ? his content ends in 2017 and his status is R.I.P little bro (is that him) ?
    Stacey Price - who is a member of GN&V https://www.facebook.com/StaceyPrice123

is probably the sister of Chloe Rowlands ex boyfriend Joshua Price


He may be dead and he may have died before Chloe conceived and as such she may have named the bay Price in his honour etc.

We need to be absolutely sure on this before moving on.
37.jpg (274161 bytes) xo/37 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028431354208

Josh Price - same bloke - he is alive and living in Glynneath - source image

40.jpg (378897 bytes) xo/40 Josh Price interaction with Kelly Rowlands (Chloe's) mother in relation to the child. general screen - source - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028431354208
39.jpg (191502 bytes) xo/39 Josh Price interaction with Kelly Rowlands (Chloe's) mother in relation to the child "nana's boy" and "daddy will see him soon" . text with photo of child - source - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028431354208
38.jpg (39066 bytes) xo/38 Josh Price interaction with Kelly Rowlands (Chloe's) mother in relation to the child. text only - source - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028431354208
36.jpg (83083 bytes)   Josh Price - Chloe Rowland " My boys" interaction on his new profile 18/9/2018 - source -  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100028431354208
35.jpg (81659 bytes)   Josh Price & Joshua Price search provides evidence of the same person with the same profile pics
  GNAV Josh or Joshua Price have never been a member of GNAV - source - members list & activity log




    Rise of on-line vigilante groups to target potential sex offenders. We are in effect a vigilante group that is fighting council corruption.

Define our Safeguarding processes

Safeguarding officer

FB research - protocol

    Community safeguarding committee

John Will ? - Gareth Waters? call for site volunteers

    First action - SKHU


INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION - 20230228S-WB-hunt-rowlands-link

    SKHU  -  SKHU