

VISION - A page created to remove Stephen Karl Hunt from public office.

GN&V Statement - Public Statement - Glynneath News and Views Facebook Group

Glynneath News is a Facebook Group of which the Council Leader, Stephen Karl Hunt is a former 'Admin'. This means he had control over the administration of the site. The site was archived in June 2022 and re-launched in 4 February 


ACTION AVENUES - 20230310S-WB-SKHU-take-down

Chloe Rowlands waiting for GNAV safeguarding process


Main editing doc now on word in archive - 20230407A-DOST-SKHU-rowlands


My Friend Stephen video series

end with song

COD document intro - 

my friend Gaynor - My Friend Roger - 


NCVE   SKHU is misrepresenting a Facebook page and preventing the free dissemination of information that protects both the environment and children, why?
enzo-development   Has been reported to SWPO for the cover up of corrupt activity at NPTC that has caused the Corporate Manlaughter of residents in Glynneath that include the actress Ruth Madoc
Twitter account young Asian girls - looking for avenue controller   He is following young Asian girls on his twitter account.
Extinction Rebellion   There is an article about SKHU written by an EXRE member about NCVE
PCPW   Preventing an open dialogue between parents in NPTC who want to prevent their children from being indoctrinated with abusive information. 
Play Wales   His right hand man Simon Knoyle can be seen to be supporting WGOV corruption in relation to Child's Play that is intended to cause harm to Welsh children. 
Council tax   I have laid information in relation to child abuse and the Jimmy Saville affair. 

Link to play document that shows 25% of NPTC kids have learning difficulties and the addresses and info in relation to play facilities is sent to WGOV

research   what directorships and personal interests has he declared. 

Dulais Valley Partnershiop




laying & collation of info    
presentation of info    
TASK - create a network of like minded individuals that can work together as a group to complete tasks Glynneath News & Views

SKHU has made inappropriate actions (1) to control information

SKHU has made actions  to control information that can be clearly defined as potentially covering up his paedo activity. (2)

Build network by inviting the relevant supporters to GNAV (in the build up supporters need to be dormant and/or only comment - informative and supportive of posts - creation of informative negativity. 

"This is wrong because"

add information that is relevant to the particular subject matter.

TASK - create a flow chart safeguarding process that protects the group - publish and agree the process.    
feed information relating to SKHU into the group.    



    Gaynor Lloyd NPTC page - Stephen Karl Hunt 

Enzo page - Stephen Karl Hunt








INFORMATION LINKS - 20230310S-WB-SKHU-take-down

99.jpg (138983 bytes) xr/99 SKHU removal of DRIC as a member of GN&V and banning from page 
97.jpg (190116 bytes) xr/97 SKHU removal of DRIC as a member of GN&V and banning from page along with COD logo
95.jpg (223463 bytes) xr/95 SKHU removal of DRIC as a member of GN&V and banning from page along with COD logo & GN&V logo.
94.jpg (108723 bytes) xr/94 DRIC unarchived the group and the first action is the removal of SKHU as an admin.
93.jpg (41448 bytes) xr/93 the removal of SKHU as an admin.
91.jpg (285551 bytes) xr/91 Combination of SKHU banning DRIC action and DRIC removing SKHU as an admin.
91b-timeline.jpg (305798 bytes) xr/91b Combination of SKHU banning DRIC action and DRIC removing SKHU as an admin. Explanation of timeline.
90.jpg (272652 bytes) xr/90 GN&V activity log to include last activity by JSED (Jon Sedgmore) removal of CROW (Chloe Rowlands) by SKHU and unarchiving by DRIC 
62-engaging.jpg (132570 bytes) xr/62

Engaging with the Youth of Neath and Port Talbot FB header with SKHU photo - 20230310S-WB-SKHU-take-down

61.jpg (31939 bytes) xr/61

Engaging with the Youth of Neath and Port Talbot FB header with SKHU photo

60.jpg (366706 bytes) xr/60

SKHU election leaflet - "answerable only to our community" - he spells Onllwyn wrong =- 

47.jpg (423476 bytes) xr/47 Kids with paper over faces image from Engaging with youth FB group
46.jpg (423476 bytes) xr/46 Kids with paper over faces image from Engaging with youth FB group - backup
33-skhu-tweet.jpg (139711 bytes) xr/33

SKHU twitter following - yay

32.jpg (161529 bytes) xr/32

32-SKHU following page

31.jpg (140353 bytes) xr/31 31-SKHU following page
30.jpg (123633 bytes) xr/30 31-SKHU following page
29.jpg (193447 bytes) xr/29 31-SKHU following page
27.jpg (127735 bytes) xr/27

Chloe Rowlands activity GN&V

26.jpg (201410 bytes) xr/26

Jo Hale ban

25.jpg (127784 bytes) xr/25 Jo Hale - SKH friend image
24.jpg (63935 bytes) xr/24 SKH declined NPTC membership - member approved redacted
23.jpg (29210 bytes) xr/23 SKH declined NPTC membership - with NPTC pop out window
22.jpg (286328 bytes) xr/22 SKH declined NPTC membership - full screenshot
21.jpg (282484 bytes) xr/21 19 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - cropped & unredacted
20.jpg (95574 bytes) xr/20 19 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - date redacted
19.jpg (92035 bytes) xr/19 19 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - info added (possibly delete)
18.jpg (98905 bytes) xr/18 19 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - info added (possibly delete)
17.jpg (103121 bytes) xr/17 19 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - info added best
16.jpg (108721 bytes) xr/16 13 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - cropped & unredacted
15.jpg (282484 bytes) xr/15 13 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - full screenshot
14.jpg (106065 bytes) xr/14 13 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - cropped & unredacted
13.jpg (98696 bytes) xr/13 13 Aug - SKH declined NPTC membership - info added best
12.jpg (89725 bytes) xr/12 13 Aug Thursday - 19 Aug Wednesday
11.jpg (342187 bytes) xr/11 Fitzroy - Notable royal bastards include Robert, Earl of Gloucester, son of King Henry I of England, Henry FitzRoy, son of King Henry VIII of England, and the Duke of Monmouth, son of Charles II. The Anglo-Norman surname Fitzroy means son of a king and was used by various illegitimate royal offspring, 
10.jpg (338565 bytes) xr/10

Wordpress article called "When Councillors Go Bad" about NCVFE.


09.jpg (186181 bytes) xr/09 SKHU - declining NPTC's attempt to join the group.
08.jpg (533825 bytes) xr/08 August community funds post
07.jpg (359620 bytes) xr/07 August community funds post x 2
06.jpg (547633 bytes) xr/06  

August 2021 - community funds post x 2 with SKHU decline header

What we see here are two of the reasons why the Glynneath public never got to know about additional funding available to the community, we see here two posts by the Neath Port Talbot Council News team from the Neath Port Talbot Council website that provide information about funding available. the image on the left is a fund available for community start-ups such as mental health support & child development while the image on the right for its third sector grant fund. We see in the top image that Stephen Karl Hunt, then an admin on this group and a Councillor in Seven Sisters, and now the current council leader at Neath Port Talbot Council has hidden £475,000.00 from a large section of the community of Glynneath during the month of August 2021 by declining membership to the Neath Port Talbot Council news release team to our group. (I also checked to see if he had shared the information but he didn't.) From August 2021 to date I would image that amount to be in the region of millions available to this community that has been blocked by this politician to the benefit of other communities within Neath Port Talbot. I would suggest that life is hard enough as it is without politicians working against our community. He is disadvantaging a large section of the community for the benefit of his own. This is an abuse of power, to quote another group who have had problems with his abuse of power:

"Councillor. Hunt has certain duties and obligations as a councillor e.g. the promotion of equality; accountability and openness; selflessness; objectivity, propriety and integrity. He must not conduct himself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing his office or authority into disrepute."

Stephen Karl Hunt is still a member of this group with two accounts, I'd welcome his response to this post, I believe that there are two sides to every story and I'd like to hear his. Perhaps I'm reading this wrong. If he leaves this group then I would suggest that this is an admission of guilt and proof that he has been working against Glynneath by blocking funding opportunities to the benefit of Seven Sisters and other communities for the last 6 years, he was made admin on 4 February 2017. Don't run Council Leader, Stephen Karl Hunt, I'm sure the council tax paying members of this group would like to hear what you have to say about your refusal to allow the council of which you are leader to join this group. I say this of course after another recent rise in council tax. 




34.jpg (359682 bytes) xq/34 Councillor Steve Hunt, Independent FB page
32.jpg (244926 bytes) xq/32 Stephen Karl Hunt - Peoples Councillor
31.jpg (106306 bytes) xq/31 Stephen Karl Hunt - Peoples Councillor - isolated
30.jpg (297089 bytes) xq/30 Neath Town Talk - marble pillars
29.jpg (189119 bytes) xq/29 Neath Constituency Voice for Everyone
28.jpg (231758 bytes) xq/28 Neath Constituency Voice for Everyone admins

Your Views on the 101 Call Centre Number

Councillor Steve Hunt Intependent

Supporting Everyone that needs my Help

Engaging with the Youth of Neath Port Talbot

Stephen Karl Hunt

27.jpg (254945 bytes) xq/27 Your Views on the 101 Call Centre Number
26.jpg (257410 bytes) xq/26 Your Views on the 101 Call Centre Number - SKHU email address dotted
25.jpg (264201 bytes) xq/25 Your Views on the 101 Call Centre Number - SKHU email address arrowed
24.jpg (35110 bytes) xq/24 Your Views on the 101 Call Centre Number - SKHU email address close up
23.jpg (282879 bytes) xq/23 Supporting Everyone that needs my Help FB page
  xq/23a Supporting Everyone that needs my Help FB page - head shot
22.jpg (146527 bytes) xq/22 Engaging with the Youth of Neath Port Talbot
21.jpg (116520 bytes) xq/21 Engaging with the Youth of Neath Port Talbot - close up
20.jpg (191780 bytes) xq/20 My friendship with SKHU
19.jpg (139528 bytes) xq/19 My friendship with SKHU close up
12.jpg (370951 bytes) xq/12 SKHU head same as 23a




20230302-VE04-SKHU-3-segments - 





Dulais Valley partnership of which he was a director