Strategy, Process & Method

A number of dangerous chemicals have been exposed by the developer Enzo. While doing so he transported these chemicals to a facility in Powys breaking the 1990 EPA. Keep this focus on the clean up operation and the actions of the Glynneath Councillors DM & SK who are hiding information relating to the 2008 contam and have refused to support the residents surrounding the site. Keep the pressure on these councillors through oficial channels by asking questions and laying information while asking them.


19/7/21 90.jpg (342738 bytes) Video posted on FB GN&V on behalf of GRAC asking SK & DM the following question. Would it be possible to have an information update please on what is happening at the Heol y Glyn Development?  https://fb.watch/7D8l9jsTbD/  -  video page on this website - CLICK HERE
28/7/21   Simon Knoyle published a whitewash post on his councillor FB page on 28/7/21 the day before the by-election but we've commented on it in the next video and have referenced it as an official reply to us. CLICK HERE
10/9/21 00y.jpg (382972 bytes) Knoyle & Morgan letter & video requesting a human health risk assessment & categorisation of tested contamination at the site. - VIDEO PAGE CLICK HERE  -  LETTER CLICK HERE - Letter dated 10/9/21 delivered to Knoygan at 6.45 on 12/9/21 - Video footage in a folder of that date. Video published to FB GRAC - FB GN&V - YT - https://youtu.be/ag4G36k8wlc  -  text for video on blog - CLICK HERE
30/6/22 GRAC GTC

20220630A-WB-GRAC-GTCO-contam - letter to Glynneath Town Council from MO Jennifer Herbert trying to create a channel of communication between GRAC & GTC in relation to the current contam. A follow up letter to Glynneath Town Council after the communication failure of last year. letter - 20210910A-LE-GRAC-gn-councillors20210910S-act-thd-current-contam - a 

    PAGE MOVED TO - archive/threads/    current-contam-knoygan


last video - delete after a while

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Dear Councillors Knoyle and Morgan,

I refer to Councillor Knoyle's reply to our request on 19/7/2021 for an information update in relation to the planning application P2021/0546 at the Heol y Glyn development . Councillor Knoyle has implied that our letter contains misinformation, however if we refer to the council website and we search for the planning application reference P2021/0546, we will see that the information we provided to the councillors is contained on the council's website. The only addition we have made to this information is to add the date 2020 in large font to distinguish the contamination to that previously identified in 2008. Other information we have provided, for example, information about how harmful the chemicals are that can be currently found at the site, is taken from scientific peer reviewed papers from leading educational and government institutions on-line. If the councillors believe any of this to be misinformation then you should specify what information they believe to be untrue. The information provided by us in our last communication which follows was simple and to the point:  

According to the Neath-Port Talbot Council website, new plans have been put in by Enzo and the land has been tested and found to be contaminated with 6 different chemicals up to 9 times the safety guidelines.

The squares highlighted in red on the image show the instances of contamination. Our group are concerned that the majority of contaminants seem to be in the top layer of the soil which could potentially affect the residents close by.

Councillor Knoyle has not referred to this contamination in his reply which is concerning. The information is available as can be seen on the council's website and has been supplied by Enzo Homes. We are also concerned that Terra Firma, the company who have submitted this information to Enzo have not included a risk assessment for human health. for the contamination as they did in 2008. If we refer to the Neath-Port Talbot Council's most recent Contaminated Land Strategy in 2015 we will see that the categorisation of the contamination at the site is required in accordance with statutory guidance. We would urge both councillors please to prioritise the provision of a risk assessment in relation to the current contamination and to provide a categorisation of the contamination. This is extremely important as the main contaminant to found at the site is Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, it is a mutagen and is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen as can be seen on the US National Library of Medicine website.

regards Glynneath Residents Against Contamination Group










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