IMPORTANT NOTICE - Please note that this page is undergoing construction and it is presently incomplete. However if a person or organisation appear on this page, then they have been identified as belonging to this particular corruption coalition, and as such we are saying that by their inclusion on this page that they have undertaken corrupt actions and form part of a group of public officials and private individuals or businesses who in this instance have undertaken purposeful corrupt actions to support other members of this group. The result of the combined actions of this group have almost certainly caused the death of Glynneath residents through untreated toxic waste illegally dumped at the Heol y Glyn Development site in Glynneath. This contamination has recently been exposed by Enzo Homes and is potentially causing more harm while recent plans approved by the Neath-Port Talbot Council (P2020/0863) allow for an area with reported toxic waste tipping to be moved closer to residents properties or removed from the site without the required testing.


How the 'Corruption Coalition' are committing 'Corporate Manslaughter.

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The offence Corporate Manslaughter can be found on the UK Government's Crown Prosecution Service website. 

The following are the 'elements' of the offence:

This means that all parts of the offence need to be satisfied for the offence to be proven.


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1. the defendant is a qualifying organisation;

The image from the CPS website shows that Neath Port Talbot Council and Natural Resources Wales qualify to be prosecuted under the terms of this act.


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2. the organisation owed a relevant duty of care to the deceased;

The image to the left is the front cover of the on-line version of the NPTC Corporate Plan 2019-2022 which provides the following purpose and vision for the council's existence which indicates a 'duty of care':

 "Our Purpose: Neath Port Talbot Council exists to serve and represent the interests of its citizens and communities. We strive to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of all of our people. 

Our Vision: We want our county borough to be a place where everyone has an equal chance to get on in life – a place where people want to live, learn and work and bring up their family."


93.jpg (338994 bytes) 3. there was a gross breach of that duty by the organisation;

If we refer to the following document submitted to NPTC on 7 September 2021 that shows that in 2008 there was a 'gross breach of duty in the failure to observe the 1990 Environmental Protection Act. 


Youtube video:


00o.jpg (401090 bytes) 4. the way in which its activities were managed or organised by its senior management was a substantial element in the breach;

This is an example of current senior management corruption at NPTC. NPTC refuse to provide any historical information relating to the development.



92.jpg (425266 bytes) 5. the gross breach of the organisation’s duty caused or contributed to the death.

The following report shows how residents living next to the site are more likely to die from a rare neurodegenerative disorder. 20% of properties with a long term occupancy bordering the site have had a family member die of a neurodegenerative disorder in the last 5 years. 





Published documents:


This document shows how the Neath-Port Talbot Council Planning Department worked together with the Cuddy Group to avoid the remediation of contamination at the Heol y Glyn Development following a chemical test that identified the land as contaminated in 2008.

Cuddy Group Ltd continued to tip toxic waste at the site and in 2020 a resident's group determined that 20% of properties in Brynhyfryd, Glynneath that have a physical border with the Heol y Glyn site have suffered the death of a family member from a rare neurodegenerative disorder within the last 5 years. This is approximately 112 times the national average for such occurrences.

Two of those deaths can be linked through a scientific report to a similar contamination occurrence in the French town of Wattrelos.

The properties in which these residents lived are 50 metres apart and the onset of symptoms happened within a space of 2 years around the time the Cuddy Group were constantly tipping and moving soil around the site. The UK national figures for such an occurrence happening are 2 cases in the whole of Glynneath within a period of 40 years. The site was tested and found to be contaminated in close proximity to these houses in 2008 and again in 2020. It has never been remediated (cleaned up). Document 1 shows the probable cause of these deaths while Document 2 below shows the effect. 


The conclusion of the PSP Cluster report is that:

“Residents of Brynhyfryd are dying from the rare neurological disorder Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. These deaths are almost certainly due to specified and other potential unspecified contamination tipped at the Heol y Glyn landfill site. Public officers who have covered up this contamination are responsible for the unlawful killing of these residents.”

These published documents have been submitted to Natural Resources Wales, Neath Port Talbot Council and Glynneath Town Council, they show the potential cause and effect of the deaths of Glynneath residents from toxic waste at the Heol y Glyn development. All three organisations refuse to undertake due diligence into the findings of the documents, they refuse provide evidence that contradicts the findings and they refuse to openly discuss the documents or acknowledge that the documents exist. 


What is a Corruption Coalition?

CORRUPTION COALITION - Where a person or group form an alliance to support corruption.


This particular corruption coalition centres on the Heol y Glyn housing development in Glynneath, south Wales and involves two councils, Neath Port Talbot, Glynneath Town Council and a government regulatory body, Natural Resources Wales. 

It revolves around a planning applications relating to the Heol y Glyn landfill site which has been earmarked for development, (these include NPTC - P2020/0195 and P2020/0863).

The group are almost certainly committing the UK Government offence Corporate Manslaughter and the Social Murder of East Glynneath residents based upon their geographical location. The residents live in properties that surround a historic domestic and industrial landfill site that has been misrepresented on the Local Development Plan to enable unscrupulous developers to build houses on an unsuitable location.

Once planning notices were displayed, initial enquiries by the residents group to the planning department representative Steve Ball met with deceit and a refusal to provide information. The NPTC councillors subsequently refused to ask the planning department on behalf of the group who were left without answers to the question. 

"What happened to the identified contamination in 2008"

Detailed research into the history of the development by a local residents group and supporting academics had identified that the land was identified as contaminated in 2008 and this information was overlooked by the council in 2010 allowing the Cuddy Group Ltd to tip unlicensed toxic waste at the site for a number of years before residents objections ended this. 

The provision of information relating to the contamination was refused by the planning department and the residents group turned their enquiries to the Council Leader Rob Jones. At the first mention of a suggested breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act the council leader refused to answer the question, identified the enquiry as a complaint and passed it on to the monitoring officer and the head of planning who then blatantly fabricated information stating that the 1990 act did not apply during the planning process. 

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To avoid accountability for a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act, the Head of Planning and Public Protection at NPTC, Ceri Morris, deliberately misrepresents the act. - MORE INFO


The head of planning then referred the group to the Ombudsman. 

The group refused to complain and continued to pursue information from the council leader, planning department and local councillors, all of whom refused to supply it. A corruption coalition formed amongst the staff and elected officials of the Neath Port Talbot Council covering up a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act. 

The residents group further investigated the site history based upon the information available on local and national government websites, it then became evident that malpractice and negligence were common place in the council planning process for the development in question.

The investigation concluded that when the contamination was identified, the information was withdrawn from the planning process itself and the land was redefined as 'brownfield' by the developer. It was clear that the Neath Port Talbot Council had failed to follow their Contaminated Land Strategy which based itself on the 1990 EPA. 

A clear and obvious breach of this act had been identified by the residents group. 

Full details of this process can be found on a this document CLICK HERE


What should have happened in 2008 is that the planning department should have passed on the information to the Contaminated Land Officer and conditions should have been written into development plan to remediate the land or it should have been tested further. This information was provided to the planning department during the planning process as part of a series of objections to the planning application. 

The information should have then been presented to the planning committee on behalf of the residents by the planning department however, when the planning meeting agenda was published the residents group identified that it was missing. 

A draft report was then commissioned by the residents from Rugby Relics Ltd for late submission to the planning committee for consideration at the meeting to include the missing information. 

The report was posted by signed for delivery to arrive at the home addresses of the Planning Committee and Glynneath Councillors Simon Knoyle and Del Morgan prior to the planning meeting on 8 September 2020.



The source of the contamination is the Cuddy Group Ltd who have tipped unregulated waste on the development site between approximately 2003 and 2016. The root cause of the problem however, we believe to be planning department negligence in 2005 when they approved the original Cuddy plans prior to identifying the suitability of the land for housing. The Cuddy Group it would seem had no intention of building houses on the site, the planning application was a cover for the importation of thousands of tons of industrial waste. In 2008 the land was identified as contaminated and to avoid the remediation process which would have cost many thousands of pounds the Cuddy Group and the Neath-Port Talbot Council Planning Department colluded to hide the contamination by changing the nature of the development from being a historically clean one to a brownfield site, then back again on the Local Development Plan to a site suitable for a housing development. 

see Cuddy Tipping Habits Video for more information  



72-title.jpg (354465 bytes) The report title "Council of Death" refers to the seriousness of our concerns. If the findings of the report were not disproved then the Neath Port Talbot Council had placed the lives of Glynneath residents at additional risk of death or serious ill health for the last 12 years. (2008-2020). 


This document provides evidence that the Neath Port Talbot Council has breached the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and has thereby placed the lives of Glynneath residents at risk from 2008 to date by not adhering to the council's responsibilities relating to contaminated land as defined in the 2005 Neath-Port
Talbot Council Contaminated Land Strategy.

A subsequent report has identified that 20% of properties that have a physical border with the Heol y Glyn site in Glynneath have suffered a death of a family member from a rare neurodegenerative disorder within the last 5 years. Two of those deaths by Progressive Supranuclear Palsy can be linked through a scientific report to a similar contamination occurrence in the French town of Wattrelos. 


The properties in which these residents lived are 50 metres apart and the onset of symptoms happened within a space of 2 years around the time the Cuddy Group were constantly tipping and moving soil around the site. 

The UK national figures for such an occurrence, are that only 2 cases should occur in the whole of Glynneath within a period of 40 years.

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Because of the time constraints in submitting the report it was decided to submit it in draft format to the Neath Port Talbot Council Planning Committee with the opportunity to provide counter evidence prior to a final version being published.

This report has been commissioned by members of the East Glynneath – Residents Against Contamination group.
The scope of the report is to verify the responsibilities and the actions of the Neath-Port Talbot Council when ‘contaminated land’ was reported to them as part of a Cuddy Group planning application in 2008 and to identify whether or not the council have upheld these responsibilities. 

It has been prepared by Rugby Relics Ltd, 66 Brynhyfryd, Glynneath, Neath, SA11 5BA and this version is in draft form prior to publication. This report is being submitted to the members of Neath-Port Talbot Council for the verification of information and the opportunity to provide counter evidence to the information and allegations made in this document. It should be noted that the ‘personal opinions’ of Neath-Port Talbot
Council staff members and councillors will be ignored and discounted unless supported by the relevant evidence that supports these opinions. 

The last section refers to the previous fabrication of information and deception used by council officials in relation to our enquiries to date.

  It is over 9 months since Neath Port Talbot Council have been in possession of this document and they have failed to acknowledge its existence by name or its contents. They have made no genuine attempt to disprove its conclusion. Neath Port Talbot Councillors have gone to great lengths to avoid discussing its contents. This includes potentially holding an illegal planning meeting prior to the official planning meeting on 8 September and the Council Leader Rob Jones issuing a "whitewash" statement with fabricated information. 
75-epa-1990.jpg (78843 bytes) If we refer to the following submission by the Pollution Officer in this meeting we will see that he confirms the report analysis that the land should have been tested further when he states that: 

"The site investigation in 2008 which was limited sampling, quite shallow sampling"

he goes on to state that the 2019 sampling was also inefficient and his recommendations were a complete testing of the site to fully 'categorize' it for human health issues.

The admission that the testing in 2008 was insufficient by the Neath Port Talbot Council Pollution Officer is clear evidence that the Neath Port Talbot Council broke the 1990 Environmental Protection Act in 2010 because even though the testing was insufficient it was detailed enough to identify the land as contaminated and a series of measures were suggested to clean up the land and prevent further harm to neighbouring residents. The land had already been defined as a risk to 'human health and so the council were duty bound by law to further investigate and identify whether of not it is a special site.

Further information about why the land should have been investigated in 2008 as a 'special site' can be found in the following video.



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To summarise, the problem exists because what happened in the planning committee meeting of 8 September 2020 should have happened in the planning committee meeting of June 2010. Of note is that the potential culprit for hiding the contamination, Russell Borthwick was a spectator at the meeting. This is the only time we have come across Mr Borthwick in the recent planning process. 

***  We have come across Mr Borthwick in the planning process for the Heol y Glyn development in the early stages, however it is possible that he is linked to the other planning permission being sought at the same meeting. Confirmation of the timing of his arrival at the meeting and the details of the other meeting need to be checked. 




  CUDDY GROUP LTD The following YouTube video shows the Cuddy Group Tipping habits and a snapshot of the site over the last 20-25 years.

  GERAINT JOHN PLANNING LTD In this YouTube video at 9.10 we see Geraint John misrepresent the historical chemical testing of the site.




  CUDDY GROUP LTD Tipping toxic waste without due care and consideration to local residents and future residents of the Heol y Glyn development.
  NEATH-PORT TALBOT COUNCIL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Have covered up the actions of the Cuddy Group and have further created planning approvals that are designed to cover up toxic waste which will consequently endanger the lives of residents in the area. 




A video on YouTube about the Cuddy Tipping habits and how Steve Ball misrepresents the dumping of toxic waste at the site. -

69.jpg (74953 bytes) STEVE BALL PLANNING DEPARTMENT The most recent core public figure in this corruption coalition is Steve Ball who has continually used methods of deception to avoid giving truthful answers to relevant questions relating to the identified contamination in 2008 and then blocked any further queries. He has worked closely with Simon Knoyle and Del Morgan to force through this application despite other obvious potential problems such as flooding. We see evidence of this at during the planning meeting. 

In a short segment during the September 2020 planning meeting we hear that Steve Ball, Del Morgan and Simon Knoyle have been working closely together. Both councillors had refused to communicate with our residents group since April 2020.


Steve Ball left NPTCBC on December 18th 2021 after being asked relevant questions that related to the cover up of current exposed contamination ( CLICK HERE ) and started work with the Cardiff Council on 2 January 2022. 

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Fabrication & misrepresentation


This video is important in helping us to understand this corruption coalition, we see how Steve Ball has blatantly misrepresented the role of Natural Resources Wales in the planning process for the Heol y Glyn development. The Cuddy Group were tipping at the Heol y Glyn site from 2005 to 2016  while Natural Resources Wales was formed in 2013 and the Cuddy Group's first NRW licence dates from August 2014 by which time the majority of tipped material had been brought onto the site. The video also gives a general idea of how the planning department at NPTC have supported the intentions of Cuddy Group to tip on the land as opposed to building houses. The Cuddy Group's housing development arm Primrose Homes did not build a single property during their entire existence. It was just a front for their illegal tipping of industrial waste.

72-title.jpg (354465 bytes) CRAIG GRIFFITHS HEAD OF LEGAL SERVICES AND MONITORING OFFICER  -  01639 763 767

Joined with Ceri Morris and the Council Leader to channel our initial request for information on identified contaminated land down the national government complaints process. It should be noted that he is the monitoring officer for NPTC and as such all 'whistle blowing' and reports of wrong doing, such as the breach of the 1990 EPA should go direct to him. We would suggest that he has provided the strategies used by Ceri Morris, the Council Leader and Nicola Pearce to avoid the council's responsibility for the breach of the 1990 EPA. If we look the role of the monitoring officer in relation to the The Local Government Act 2000 (Guidance for Wales in 2006) we will see that he has a duty to investigate issues such as the Steve Ball/Ceri Morris misrepresentation of the Environmental Protection Act 2000, however he passed this information on to their work colleague to investigate. This is an inappropriate referral. It is the job og the Monitoring Officer to investigate such complaints.

2.28 Current legislation under section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act
1989, places responsibility on the monitoring officer for overseeing vires
issues, in particular providing advice to the authority on the legality of their
policies and proposals through the preparation of reports of unlawfulness or
maladministration. The monitoring officer therefore performs a key function in
ensuring lawfulness and fairness in the operation of the council’s decision making process, including investigation and reporting on issues that embrace all aspects of the council’s functions.

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SIMON KNOYLE  GLYNNEATH COUNCILLOR As a Director of SAK Consulting, Simon has 24 years experience of working in the construction Industry. Throughout the planning application we see him using his broad skill set with a large contact base within the Welsh construction industry, proven people skills and keen to assist in business growth wherever possible, bringing a large database of satisfied subcontractors, contractors and clients with him to the application. 

Source: SAK (Simon Anthony Knoyle) Consulting. 

In an email dated 6 April 2020 Simon Knoyle stated that

"The only thing that I would say is, we are in a period of time where we do not know what will
happen tomorrow, I am still trying to carry on working ( I have my own business as a Freelance Quantity Surveyor as you know ) and I cannot furlough myself as I am still trying to continue working"

Throughout the planning process Simon Knoyle's actions have been directed towards developing his construction consultancy business network. These actions include meeting the developer Enzo on site while the developer is breaking the planning conditions in front of him and hiding contamination from the people of Glynneath. 

With planning application 2020/0195 there were 40 properties surrounding the site that objected to the development. The only resident living close to the site in support of the development was Councillor Del Morgan. This being the case Simon Knoyle was clearly working for his own personal interests and not those of the people he was elected to serve. 


On 14 February 2022 Simon Knoyle delivered a letter to the residents surrounding the site that can be clearly shown to deceive and endanger the lives of residents surrounding the site.

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DEL MORGAN  GLYNNEATH COUNCILLOR Throughout the planning process Del Morgan can be seen supporting a planning application that is clearly a potential danger to the residents bordering the site. His property is set away from the development. His support for the tunnelling of the stream and his refusal to report Enzo when he was breaking the conditions post planning approval led to the flooding of  properties in the street with contaminated water a few weeks later. He has refused to engage in communication with residents and is covering up the identified contamination in 2008 which he was informed about in April 2020. He issued a statement together with Simon Knoyle in October 2020 which is clearly a deliberate attempt at discrediting the report submitted without providing evidence in support of his claims. This is what he said (together with Simon Knoyle) about our report.

"We would highlight one particular instance where it is claimed that a document sent to the local ward Members and the County Borough Council had not been given due consideration; however, we can confirm that council officers had indeed replied to its sender on two separate occasions with detailed responses to the concerns raised."

The detailed responses were fabrication and deception emails from Steve Ball that had no relevance to the questions asked.


65-jones-leader.jpg (95853 bytes) ROB JONES FORMER COUNCIL LEADER

Council Leader - Councillor Rob Jones orchestrated a cover up operation that included Ceri Morris, Craig Griffiths and Steve Ball and broke council rules in relation to the council complaints procedure while doing so.


72-hunt.jpg (101835 bytes) COUNCILLOR STEVE HUNT Councillor Steve K.Hunt, 153 Dulais Road, Seven Sisters, Neath, SA10 9EY, Phone: 01639 700063, Mobile: 07850 429957

Council Leader - As the chair of the relevant (contamination) scrutiny committee Councillor Hunt has recently undertaken positive actions in support of our community, however he has failed to follow up on his promises. Despite the planning department refusing to answer relevant questions in relation to the chemical contamination and actions of the planning department in relation to this in his role as chair of the scrutiny committee Councillor Hunt has refused to take this information to the remaining members of his scrutiny committee and supported Planning Department corruption. 






  Chief Finance Officer - Huw Jones - Mr Jones is aware of corruption within the Neath-Port Talbot CBC planning department that has potentially caused the death of residents in Brynhyfryd, Glynneath. No evidence has been received that he has followed the Council's staff code of conduct in relation to 'illegal, improper or unethical' actions by council employees as defined in the employee 'code of conduct':

Standards: 2.1 "All employees are expected to give the highest possible standard of service to the public and, where it is part of their duties, to provide appropriate advice to Councillors and fellow employees with impartiality. In the event that an employee becomes aware of activities which that employee believes to be illegal, improper, unethical or otherwise inconsistent with this Code, the employee should report the matter, acting in accordance with the employee’s rights under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, and with the Authority’s confidential reporting procedure, or any other procedure designed for this purpose. 

The whistleblowing procedure is set out in the Council’s Anti-Fraud, Corruption and Malpractice Strategy. Such reporting shall be without fear of recrimination. Employees must familiarise themselves with this procedure and should make relevant disclosure strictly in accordance with it."

He has refused to follow the above protocol in relation to information submitted to him and has delegated this responsibility to a subordinate member of staff. Therefore, it must be considered that he is acting together with other corrupt council officials to support corruption within the council. It must also be considered that the act of delegating responsibility is also potentially causing unnecessary stress and accountability to a member of his department.


93-KJON.jpg (255845 bytes) KAREN JONES CHIEF EXECUTIVE - NEATH PORT TALBOT COUNCIL In a letter to the Neath M.P. Christina Rees, Karen Jones can be seen to be discrediting the Glynneath Residents Against Contamination chairman, Dai Richards without providing evidence to support her opinion. She supports planning department malpractice which has led to the removal of the safety conditions for land which has been tested and found to be contaminated. Her actions are contrary to the NPTC staff code of conduct. She then blocks the M.P. in relation to any further correspondence in support of the M.P.'s electorate. 



65-jones-leader.jpg (95853 bytes)   At this point we are going to include two key communication events with the Council Leader Rob Jones. It is an exchange of emails on the 19 & 20 April 2020.

They are significant because they include 5 members of the corruption coalition and the email identifies to the members of the coalition the breach in the 1990 EPA and Steve Ball corruption incidents.

.The Council Leader Rob Jones, Steve Ball, Simon Knoyle, Del Morgan and Haulwen Morgan.

The Council Leader replied that he would pass the information on to the planning department for inclusion in the planning process copying all identified key coalition figures in the process. 


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20/4/2020 images


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CERI MORRIS HEAD OF PLANNING The Head of Planning can be seen to support Steve Ball's corrupt actions in his 'complaint resolution' referred by the Council Leader. His resolution includes this blatant misrepresentation of government/council policy relating to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and contaminated land

"Turning specifically to the issue of land contamination at the site and whether the Council has historically contravened the Environmental Protection Act 1990, I would advise that this legislation no longer applies when a site is going through the planning
process; by definition therefore the Council has not at any point contravened its duties under this legislation, as it is not relevant once the planning process has commenced."

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If we refer to the council's Contaminated Land Strategy in place at the time we will see that land contamination should be dealt with early in the planning process............ 

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and also if we refer to the UK Environmental Law Association's guidance on the 1990 EPA and contaminated land:

"Please note that the planning process does not override the contaminated land regime provided by Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990."

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This is a deliberate act of misconduct by the Head of Planning.


Youtube video showing the process of this corrupt action -


YouTube video showing how Ceri Morris uses deception to avoid answering questions that identify his corrupt actions:



Suzanne Paddison has been aware since 15 May 2020 of the potential breach of the 1990 EPA. During the planning committee meeting she disallowed our report for inclusion in the meeting because it was 'new information'. The only reason the report existed was because the information had previously been supplied to the planning department and not included in their summary.

Councillor Paddison potentially held an illegal planning meeting with Councillors Keogh, Woolcock and Craig Morris prior to the main meeting in September. (Source - conversation with Tammie Davies of legal services prior to planning committee meeting in which she said "I was up early this morning, this is my second meeting of the day") We are unable to find any record of an official council meeting earlier that day. This suggests that the meeting to which Councillor Paddison referred in her conversation with Tammie Davies prior to the Committee meeting was an unofficial one to discuss the document submitted to the Planning Committee containing the information omitted by the Planning Department. 



Youtube video featuring the actions of Suzanne Paddison -



    The following Neath Port Talbot Council employees and elected representatives have undertaken corrupt actions in support of the 6 key figures in the coalition.
68.jpg (255527 bytes) NICOLA PEARCE FORMER HEAD OF PLANNING Worked with Craig Griffiths to support her colleague Steve Ball's fabrication and refusal to provide information. Refused to provide information in relation to the communication between Steve Ball and Ceri Morris that should have been readily available as 'Ombudsman evidence'.
Miss Lesley Spencer, Council Tax Recovery, NPTCBC,

Miss Lesley Spencer is aware of corruption within Neath-Port Talbot CBC that has potentially caused the death of residents in Brynhyfryd, Glynneath. There is no evidence that she has followed the Council's staff code of conduct in relation to 'illegal, improper or unethical' actions by council employees as defined in the employee 'code of conduct': Standards: 2.1. Therefore, it must be considered that she is acting together with other corrupt planning officials to support corruption within the council. 



The planning committee as a group have made at least 2 collective corrupt actions and a group of labour councillors led by the chair Suzanne Paddison have undertaken individual corrupt actions with a view to discrediting the EGRAC spokesperson Dai Richards.

Planning committee meeting 8 September 2020 -

Collective Corruption Action 1: Members of the planning committee were provided a document containing evidence of a historical breach in the 1990 Environmental Protection Act and also of the contaminated land protocol. They were supplied this information for consideration at the planning committee meeting on 8 September 2020. As a group the ignored this document and also used bullying tactics to discredit the residents representative.

Collective Corruption Action 2: In October 2020 they were asked to provide due diligence in relation to the information provided for the meeting. They inappropriately referred this information to the planning department who were identified within the document as causing the breach of the 1990 act.  

79-paddison.jpg (100586 bytes)  

Councillor Suzanne Paddison (Chair) - 249 Western Avenue, Sandfields, Port Talbot, SA12 7NF. - 
Phone: 01639 760473 - Mobile: 07891 054074

Explanation of Suzanne Paddison corrupt actions:

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Councillor Sean Pursey (Vice Chair) - 22 St Pauls Road, Port Talbot, SA12 6PG - Mobile: 07865 355970

Has been aware since 15 May 2020 of the potential breach of the 1990 EPA. 

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Councillor Dennis Keogh, 35 Wern Road, Port Talbot, SA13 2BD, Mobile: 07967 897072

70-woolcock.jpg (84395 bytes) 72-title.jpg (354465 bytes) Councillor Arwyn N.Woolcock, 8 Barry Road, Lower Brynamman, Ammanford, SA18 1TU, Phone: 01269 825767, Mobile: 07977 588282
69-williams.jpg (102672 bytes)   Councillor Chris Williams - It should also be noted that a member of the planning committee Chris Williams, formerly a Glynneath Councillor lived next to the development and while he did so, his wife died of unnatural causes, Councillor Williams moved away from the area shortly after this and has refused to share the information on the cause of his wife's death with our group. It should be noted that there are instances of death by neurodegenerative disorders in this area, some of which can be linked to ground contamination.   
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Councillor Christopher John Jones, 62 Ynys-Y-Mond, Alltwen, Pontardawe, SA8 3BA, Mobile: 07968 786699

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Councillor Rhidian Mizen,  11 Heol Crwys, Cwmafan, Port Talbot, SA12 9NT, Mobile: 07813 711212

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Councillor Scott Bamsey, 7 Wilden Avenue, Port Talbot, SA13 2HS, Mobile: 07478 432532

73-davies.jpg (93962 bytes)   Councillor Rosalyn Davies, 102 Heol Cilmaengwyn, Cilmaengwyn, Pontardawe, Swansea, SA8 4QN, 
Phone: 01792 862447, Mobile: 07989 661280
71-wingrave.jpg (82444 bytes)   Councillor Annette Wingrave (UDP Member (Non-voting)), 9 Pretyman Drive, Llandarcy, Neath, SA10 6HZ, Phone: 01792 812857, Mobile: 07757 949143, 
68-renkes.jpg (105908 bytes)   Councillor Susanne Renkes, 65 Pentyla, Baglan Road, Baglan, Port Talbot, SA12 8DR, Phone: 01639 897818, Mobile: 07932 377022
67-protheroe.jpg (95966 bytes)   Councillor Mark Protheroe, 64 Harle Street, Neath, SA11 3DL, Phone: 01639 769231
72-hunt.jpg (101835 bytes)   Councillor Steve K.Hunt, 153 Dulais Road, Seven Sisters, Neath, SA10 9EY, Phone: 01639 700063, Mobile: 07850 429957

As the chair of the relevant (contamination) scrutiny committee Councillor Hunt has recently undertaken positive actions in support of our community. As he is previously recorded as having made 2 corrupt actions we have neutralised his position in the corruption coalition as a sign of good faith.

Despite the planning department refusing to answer relevant questions in relation to the chemical contamination and actions of the planning department in relation to this in his role as chair of the scrutiny committee Councillor Hunt has refused to take this information to the remaining members of his scrutiny committee.  CLICK HERE



On the 25th October 2020 we emailed every member of the planning committee to request what due diligence they had undertaken in relation to the document provided. 

Dear Councillor
You were provided a document prior to the planning committee meeting on 8/9/2020 a document that explained the process of how the Neath-Port Talbot Council Planning Department and Committee failed to observe council protocol when they failed to investigate further contaminated land identified in 2008. The same document provided documentary evidence of this breach which suggested that a member/s of the planning department had committed malpractice.
Please provide the following information or relevant answers to questions under the Freedom of Information Act and/or the purpose or the Neath-Port Talbot Council as defined in the Corporate Plan which is to serve and
represent the interests of its citizens and communities:

Our Purpose: Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council exists to serve and represent the interests of its citizens and communities. We strive to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of all of our people.

Please provide a detailed log of the due diligence actions you have taken in respect of this information received? For example: 
Did you manually check if the information contained in the document was factually correct within the planning department records?

on the 2 November the Head of Planning Ceri Morris replied on their behalf stating You repeatedly complain that the Council has failed to address your queries however, the Council has investigated your concerns and responded to you accordingly, providing you with an avenue of appeal against every issue. They also include serious and unsubstantiated allegations about the conduct of officers and councillors, stating that the Planning Department has colluded with the former site owners to hide contaminated land, which would constitute a breach of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

The Council takes its responsibilities with regards to ground contamination very seriously. The Council is satisfied that it has not at any point contravened its duties under this legislation.
This is unusual because on the 4 May 2020 Mr Morris had previously stated in his investigation of Steve Ball's deception  " Turning specifically to the issue of land contamination at the site and whether the Council has historically contravened the Environmental Protection Act 1990, I would advise that this legislation no longer applies when a site is going through the planning
process; by definition therefore the Council has not at any point contravened its duties under this legislation, as it is not relevant once the planning process has commenced."
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The Neath-Port Talbot Council's responsibilities at this point in time were contained in the Contaminated Land Strategy. 

If we look at the Executive Summary of the Contaminated Land Strategy we will see that it immediately aligns itself with Part IIA of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act and then bases it's contaminated land processes on this Act. 

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"One of the key objectives of the council's Contaminated Land Strategy (Key Objective 4:) is to ensure that during the redevelopment of new sites, land contamination issues are dealt with effectively and at an early stage of the planning process."
  At no point does Mr Morris offer a fact or counter argument that disputes the information or conclusion of our draft report and if we look at his statement on the 4th May 2020 and compare it with that of the UK Environmental Law Association, we will see that it is a direct contradiction to UK Government law as generally accepted by the leading UK environment law charity.  
39-UKLEA-contam-montage-mar.jpg (295836 bytes) "Contaminated land is also taken into account in planning applications for new developments. Planning permission may be refused if the development site poses serious harm that cannot be cleaned up. Even if there is minimal risk of contamination, the planning permission may still require the developer to do some clean up work before proceeding with construction work. Find out more here. Please note that the planning process does not override the contaminated land regime provided by Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990."



57.jpg (466794 bytes) According to the Glynneath Town Council website the Neath Port Talbot and Glynneath Town Council's are separate entities..............

Neath Port Talbot, which is a totally separate local authority operating on a larger and wider scale than local councils such as Glynneath Town Council.

61.jpg (380413 bytes) On the 19 April 2020 three Glynneath Town Councillors were copied to an email to NPT Council Leader Rob Jones which included evidence of the 2008 contamination supplied to NPTC planning department and the refusal of the planning officer Steve Ball to provide relevant information relating to this identified contamination. This being the case the Glynneath Town Councillors became aware of the corrupt activities of Steve Ball and of the un-remediated contamination. Two of the Councillors were Simon Knoyle and Del Morgan. A request was made of the third councillor Haulwen Morgan to print and place the email in the Glynneath Town Council records. Therefore, Glynneath Town Council had been made aware of a potential breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act three months in advance of their planning application 'comment' at the relevant meeting.   
68.jpg (649826 bytes) The objections and information process for planning applications is time sensitive and the failure of the two County Borough councillors to reply to our correspondence meant that relevant information relating to the planning application was not made available to our residents group. We therefore made a complaint against these councillors on 23/4/2020 - CLICK HERE



65-knoyle-moustache.jpg (157328 bytes) SIMON KNOYLE  GLYNNEATH TOWN  COUNCILLOR During the meeting of 28 July Simon Knoyle abused his position as a Neath Port Talbot County Councillor to hide information from the Glynneath Town Council. As the current mayor of the town and chair of the meeting he should have been aware that his priority at the meeting was to represent the people of Glynneath. He was aware at the time that the Neath Port Talbot Council had potentially breached the 1990 Environment Act and so he should have informed his fellow Glynneath Town Council members of this fact. Prior to a Glynneath Town Council dated 27 October Simon Knoyle issued a statement containing misleading information in conjunction with Del Morgan and the Council Leader Rob Jones. He has since this date blatantly covered up the fact that the land at the Heol y Glyn Development is contaminated and has deliberately endangered the lives of Glynneath residents by providing them with false information.

28 July GTC meeting on YouTube -


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Pledge of Death

During the meeting of 28 July Del Morgan abused his position as a Neath Port Talbot County Councillor to hide information from the Glynneath Town Council. As a former mayor of the town and an experienced Glynneath Town Councillor he should have been aware that his priority at the meeting was to represent the people of Glynneath and not the Neath Port Talbot Council. He was aware at the time that the Neath Port Talbot Council had potentially breached the 1990 Environment Act and so he should have informed his fellow Glynneath Town Council members of this fact. Prior to a Glynneath Town Council dated 27 October Del Morgan issued a statement containing misleading information in conjunction with Simon Knoyle and the Council Leader Rob Jones.


03-youtube.jpg (251589 bytes) GERRY REYNOLDS GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR Chaired a Glynneath Town Council meeting dated 27 October in which he refused to ask Del Morgan & Simon Knoyle the 'due diligence' question on our behalf. He has been supplied the EGRAC PSP REPORT which he failed to acknowledge publicly in a meeting dated May 2021.

On Monday 3 May 2020 the following report was hand delivered to Councillor Reynolds home address. - CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE EGRAC PSP REPORT

A Freedom of Information request has identified that Councillor Reynolds disposed of the report and it's whereabouts are unknown. - CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS DOCUMENT

Gerry Reynolds did not seek re-election in May 2022. 

65.jpg (120992 bytes) HAULWEN MORGAN GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR Copied to Rob Jones EPA email and supported Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020 and voted to refer the matter back to the Neath Port Talbot Council despite being supplied with the EGRAC report stating that the Neath Port Talbot Council are covering up recorded contamination and a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act at the site.

On Monday 3 May 2020 the following report was hand delivered to Councillor Morgan's home address. 


On the 8 June 2020 the Glynneath Town Council discussed the covering letter to the report, but not the report, the conclusion of which is:

“Residents of Brynhyfryd are dying from the rare neurological disorder Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. These deaths are almost certainly due to specified and other potential unspecified contamination tipped at the Heol y Glyn landfill site. Public officers who have covered up this contamination are responsible for the unlawful killing of these residents.”

 Councillor Morgan lives in Brynhyfryd. 

A Freedom of Information request has identified that Councillor Morgan disposed of the report and it's whereabouts are unknown. CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS DOCUMENT



Haulwen Morgan did not seek re-election in May 2022.



05-gtco.jpg (57636 bytes)   The following Glynneath Town Councillors have made corrupt actions in support of 2 key coalition  figures (Simon Knoyle and Del Morgan in the coalition corruption.) They have all received the 'Council of Death' document and they are all aware that both Simon Knoyle and Del Morgan have received this  document at least 6 weeks previous to their receipt. The group have refused to make public any due diligence taken by the NPTC Councillors Morgan & Knoyle in respect of this document. In a council meeting dated the 27 October 2020 they each voted to ignore an opportunity to ask Councillors Morgan & Knoyle to identify due diligence they had taken. in relation the Council of Death document. It must be considered to be in the best interests of the people of Glynneath that they do so.

62.jpg (73342 bytes) STEVE EVANS GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR Councillor Evans, works closely with Simon Knoyle as member of the Town Council Rugby Club Coalition - He is the Treasurer of Glynneath Rugby Club (Simon Knoyle is the Secretary). He has supported Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020 and voted to refer the matter back to the Neath Port Talbot Council. He did so, despite being supplied with the EGRAC report stating that the Neath Port Talbot Council are covering up recorded contamination and a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act at the site. He is also aware of illegal tipping at the Heol y Glyn site which he refused to place on public record. 


This councillor supported Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020 and voted to refer the matter back to the Neath Port Talbot Council despite being supplied with the EGRAC report stating that the Neath Port Talbot Council are covering up recorded contamination and a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act at the site. The councillor has indicated that they are willing to work with us to protect the people surrounding the Heol y Glyn site.

Councillor Herbert has undertaken several actions in support of the residents in this area above and beyond what we would expect. 


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A long time supporter of East Glynneath Residents Against Contamination, Roger Simons, went missing after the recent elections. Roger stepped down as a councillor at the election. In our last conversation we both agreed that the NPTC would fix the election before they allowed me to become a councillor. Then he went missing. 

If you know the whereabouts of Roger please call the police on #101.

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CAROLYN EDWARDS GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR Supported Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020 and voted to refer the matter back to the Neath Port Talbot Council despite being supplied with the EGRAC report stating that the Neath Port Talbot Council are covering up recorded contamination and a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act at the site.
73-knoyle-richard.jpg (89881 bytes) RICHARD KNOYLE GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR Supported Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020 and voted to refer the matter back to the Neath Port Talbot Council despite being supplied with the EGRAC report stating that the Neath Port Talbot Council are covering up recorded contamination and a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act at the site.

Richard Knoyle did not seek re-election in May 2022

71-mcmenemin-s.jpg (87824 bytes) SHANE McMENAMIN GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR Supported Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020 and voted to refer the matter back to the Neath Port Talbot Council despite being supplied with the EGRAC report stating that the Neath Port Talbot Council are covering up recorded contamination and a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act at the site.

Shane McMenamin did not seek re-election in May 2022

  MARIE POWELL GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR Supported Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020 and voted to refer the matter back to the Neath Port Talbot Council despite being supplied with the EGRAC report stating that the Neath Port Talbot Council are covering up recorded contamination and a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act at the site. 

Marie Powell did not seek re-election in May 2022

Marie has indicated that she would like to work with us to support our residents group and we are awaiting positive actions. 

63.jpg (126499 bytes) JANET COLLINS GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR Supported Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020 and voted to refer the matter back to the Neath Port Talbot Council despite being supplied with the EGRAC report stating that the Neath Port Talbot Council are covering up recorded contamination and a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act at the site.

Janet Collins did not seek re-election in May 2022

67.jpg (96928 bytes) ALISON THOMAS FORMER GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCIL CLERK Is aware of Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report and has not, to the best of our knowledge referred this to a regulatory authority.

Alison Thomas left the Glynneath Town Council shortly after the council meeting on 27 October 2020

It is our opinion that she has a duty of care to refer this to a regulatory authority (The Auditor General for Wales) as defined by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1988, part 43b (1) (a, b, d, e & f, ). - GUIDE CLICK HERE

page 17 provides a list of issues that can be reported to include two relevant to the hidden information:

Health and safety risks, either to the public or other employees;

Any deliberate concealment of information tending to show any of the above. It is thought that Aliso Thomas is now working for Democratic Services department at NPTC.

  FORMER GLYNNEATH TOWN COUNCILLOR - JE This former councillor has been removed from the coalition because the support he has shown has outweighed his decision to support Simon Knoyle & Del Morgan's cover-up of the EGRAC report at the Glynneath Town Council meeting of 27 October 2020.
  JOANNA VAN TONDER Has answered this Freedom of Information request that has identified that Councillor's Morgan and Reynolds disposed of public information that identifies corruption by public officers that has almost certainly caused the death of Glynneath residents. - CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS DOCUMENT She has not used this information to safeguard the lives of Glynneath residents. It is our opinion that she has a duty of care to refer this to a regulatory authority (The Auditor General for Wales) as defined by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1988, part 43b (1) (a, b, d, e & f, ). - GUIDE CLICK HERE

page 17 provides a list of issues that can be reported to include two relevant to the hidden information:

Health and safety risks, either to the public or other employees;

Any deliberate concealment of information tending to show any of the above.

Letter to Glynneath Town Council in respect to a Subject Access Request from JVT - CLICK HERE

69.jpg (260054 bytes) MICHAEL PUGH As a Town Councillor Michael Pugh supported corruption within the Town Council and refused to undertake due diligence when provided information about the contamination at Heol y Glyn. The following public question refers to an email chain in which he played a major part. CLICK HERE 
  Mx CERI WILCOX Mx Wilcox is either being manipulated by corrupt councillors or is driving corruption within the council on her own. This communication in response to a public question suggests an inappropriate course of action in relation to the question asked and as such we have placed Mx Wilcox here awaiting her next action and so we presently consider Mx Wilcox to be neutral. 



NATURAL RESOURCES WALES - to be added and will include Jonathan Willington Team Leader Waste Regulation.







Members of the coalition whose positive actions outweigh their negative actions have been removed from this coalition. To understand the difference between a negative and positive action and how this can affect your life, please watch the following 'meaning of life' video. 



youtube - Glynneath Contamination Democide playlist



" Seeking and receiving information is a human right that can act as a safeguard against corruption, and increase trust in decision makers and public institutions." 

Transparency International (the global coalition against corruption)


This page has been commissioned by the East Glynneath Residents Against Contamination Group.

The content has been prepared by Rugby Relics Ltd.

The majority of text is by David Richards ( ).

If you are unaware that your actions were corrupt or you wish to remove yourself from the coalition, you must first undertake purposeful positive actions that outweigh your previous negative/corrupt actions. For advice on how to do this please contact the author of this page  ( ) to open a discussion on the matter

If you appear on this page and you believe you are not a member of this corruption coalition or you believe the information contained on it misrepresents your role in this identified corruption, please seek the advice of the monitoring officer within your organisation.. 

Note to the monitoring officer: This is the beginning of our complaints process, and this is the end. Please seek legal advice if you wish to remove or challenge the information or opinions that can be found on this page. 


All text, photos and other information on this page are made in line with the Neath-Port Talbot County Borough Council values:

"We will stand up for our citizens and our communities, advocating for the needs and aspirations of our people in every aspect of our work. 

We will listen to our citizens, our workforce and our many partners and seek ways to meaningfully involve people in our work. 

We will celebrate diversity in all of its forms and work tirelessly for greater equality in all of our communities. 

We will conduct the work of the Council in an open and accessible way, ensuring we are properly accountable for the decisions we make. 

We will make the best use of all resources available to us. 

We will be open to challenge and will promote a culture of learning and innovation throughout our organisation. 

We will further strengthen the bonds of collaboration, working with others – including the voluntary, statutory and private sectors to benefit our citizens and communities."

Neath-Port Talbot County Borough Council Corporate Plan 2019-22





UK Environmental Law Association - - CLICK HERE

Cover-up - what is generally accepted as a cover-up with examples -

Social Murder - what is generally accepted as social murder -


To understand the terminology used on this page please CLICK HERE.


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